Run: help
to display the following options:
./ - Develop and test ROS in Docker
./ [options] package [package directory] [shell command] -> for single package
./ [options] workspace [catkin_ws directory] [shell command] -> for entire workspace
-h, --help -> will display these very words
-i, --install -> will add alias 'ros' to ~/.bashrc and ~/.zshrc
-c, --clean -> do a clean build (no preinstalled rosdeps)
-r, --rosdep -> install rosdependency before execution of commands
-b, --rebuild -> force rebuilding of Docker image
-d, --dryrun -> do a dryrun (show commands that would be executed)
-D, --debug -> internal debugging -> stop on first error
./ (-c) (-r) (-d) (-b) package /opt/catkin_ws/src/[package dir] [command]
./ (-c) (-r) (-d) (-b) workspace /opt/catkin_ws [command]
a good idea is to add this alias to your .zshrc or .bashrc:
alias ros='~/[path to ROS-Docker/'
or run:
./ --install
To use this repository to run tests on your ROS package or ROS catkin workspace:
- Select either 'action_package.yml' or 'action_workspace.yml' from this repository.
- Copy this yaml file to your repository in a created subfolder '.github/workflows/'
- Give it a good name. Most of the times 'Build.yml' will do.
- Verify that the yaml as templated does as you require
- Place a status badge in your, like this:
[![build]([user]/[repo]/workflows/[workflow name]/badge.svg)]([user]/[repo]/actions?workflow=[workflow name])
- For a single ROS package/workspace in the root of your repository: action_package.yml' will work out-of-the-box
- images will be built automatically before entering into container
- provides quick and portable way to work with ROS
- provides easy way to do compilation/unittests for CI-purposes
- right now this repo is hardcoded to test in Ubuntu:Focal with Ros:Noetic