Arian Aghnaei
Fall 2019
Python 3.7.3
In this open source project, I combined a django powerd web application with a webscraping software. The most challenging part of this project for me was getting data from user and actually using the input data in my web scraping software.
I used Heroku for deploying the app. plaese take visit and test this scraper app : (Unfortunately the the website is not online at the moment)
- UGetting data from user as an iput and using in the scraping software.
- Developing a scraper tool using Object Oriented Pradigm so it's possibl to use the scraper in other codes as a package.
- Django powered web application design for deplaying web scraping toools and make it able to do searching on the web without need to install or run any command.
- Deploying the scraper app using Heroku hosting service.
I'm interesting to know what you are thinking about this open source project so don't hesitate to contact me.
Thanks, Arian