This PAM module uses D-Logic RFID SDK binary
Steps to use this module:
- Go to MyAuthGen
- Compile it using "make" command.
- Power on D-Logic reader and put a blank RFID card on it.
- Get root access (su)
- Run MyAuthGen as root with a 32-byte key as parameter, you can try to generate 32byte random string from
- So commandline will be: ./MyAuthGen r6B4915kO41G0603DL4H91s116b8LE5T
Above steps, will encrypt a fixed string using given key, store it in system and write the key in RFID card.
Now go to PAM folder.
- Compile it using "make" command.
- Then install it using "make install". This should put into /lib/security
- Now edit PAM file you can to use NFCMyAuth and add "auth required" In my case, I use it in my Debian system with GDM desktop environment, so I have "auth required" in my /etc/pam.d/gdm-password
Now if you logout and try to login, even if you enter correct username/password, if you don't put RFID card on top of reader, you shouldn't be able to login.
For more info: