Dynamic Animation Paired with Blurring, Ideal for Splash Screens or Onboarding. Completely customisable and easy to use!
Drag and drop LiveSplash.framework, to your project, and change the Embed option to 'Embed and Sign' as show below.
Import in your ViewController, where you need to display it.
import LiveSplash
Here is a short simple code to use it in your project:
func addBlurredLiveView(){
// Initialise object with - CGRect for the size of blurred dynaminc background, and UIImage to be used to create animation
let splash = LiveSplash(size: self.view.frame, image: UIImage(named: "demoLiveSplash")!)
// Call startAnimation, if you want the image to animate, to give live effect, Pass number of seonds duration to complete 360 rotation.
// Call addBlur, if you want to add blur layer to the view. Pass UIBlurEffect.Style (.light, .dark etc) and opacity(blurLevel: 1 means lowest)
splash.addBlur(blurMode: .light,blurLevel: 3)
// Add the generated view as Subview to desired UIView, or UIElement(TableCell etc.)
// Optionally send generated view to back, to make your other UIElemets visible and interactive
startAnimation(delayInSec: Double)
- To start the animation with number of seconds to complete one rotation.
addBlur(blurMode: UIBlurEffect.Style, blurLevel: Int)
- To add a Blurred layer, with BlurStyle and opacity(1 lowest).
- To stop Animation at any time.