Open source platform for code review automation.
With Codechecks you can replace tools like:
and build even more cool stuff:
- visual regression
- type coverage checking for typescript projects
- deployments per commits
- performance tracking
Check out what's already build
Best part: everything is open source and checks run in userland (your CI) meaning you can implement totally new ideas without any backend changes — it's just JavaScript. API component is general enough to fit lots of different use cases.
If you want to get in, please contact us at
Expect more docs soon...
- Getting started
- How does it work?
- Configuration — codechecks.yml/json/ts/js
- CLI options
- Checks (plugins) development
- Developing reusable checks
- Testing checks
- How to build X?
- Client API reference
- Local mode
- Supported CI providers
- Debugging
- Badges
- Roadmap