The Code Fellows Ops 101 workshop is a day of hands-on penetration testing and ethical hacking. To this end, at the 101 level, the goal is to introduce people to the basics of how to hack. Let's create a safe environment for practicing hacking skills--a "cyber range" as it were.
The core of the range is browser-based. The goal is to give people who are at the introductory level exposure to what it feels like to find hacks, and how they can be exploited.
Michael Falk, Stacy Burris, Jordan Kidwell, Tina Myers, Alex Angelico, Adrian Huebner, Brook Riggio
- The Amazing TAs: Chance Harmon, Skyler Burger, Susanna Lakey
- Our Ever-Present 201 Instructor: Lena Eivy
- The Client: Brook Riggio, Code Fellows VP of Education
- The One and Only: Steve Buscemi
Page loading from buttons with the .onclick method
CSS Flexbox rules
Text wrapping inside button elements
Base64 transcoding reference site
Applied base64 source code
DOM-based modification of CSS visibility property
Swing animation CSS rule design
HTML button elements
Submit event explainer
Reference for event targets
Event listener issues
Modal reference
Window setTimeout() method implementation
Implementing modals across JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
Rule design for gradients in CSS
Modal design
File linking through HTML
Managing overlapping text
Text centering
"Code background" by Markus Spiske
Desktop background
"Recycle sign" by James Lee
Steve Buscemi yearbook photo
Steve Buscemi on a prayer candle
Steve Buscemi with long white hair
Steve Buscemi with crazy eyes
Steve Buscemi the hamster
Steve Buscemi bowling in The Big Lebowski
Steve Buscemi as a young firefighter
Steve Buscemi in the 90s with Adam Sandler and Brendan Fraser
Steve Buscemi in Parting Glances
Steve Buscemi doing karaoke
Steve Buscemi the rainbow unicorn
Steve Buscemi compared to a cat
"Blue light in tunnel during night time" by Alek Kalinowski
"White lighthouse miniature" by Blake Weyland
"blue and white fire pit" by Evan Buchholz
"Architectural photography of range hood" by NASA
"space shuttle view outside the Earth" by NASA
"view of Earth and satellite" by NASA
"close-up photography of white space shuttle during daytime" by Pablo Guerrero