This project collects data from various City of Dayton area websites to power our open data catalog.
The application runs in a Python 3.x virtualenv. To create a python virtualenv, run:
virtualenv env -ppython3
After creating the virtual environment, activate it with:
. env/bin/activate
All commands after this assume you are inside the virtual environment for the project you are working on.
Dependencies for the projects can be installed via:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The requirements.txt
file contains all the packages that the project depends upon. New requirements should be added to this file, either manually or by running pip freeze > requirements.txt
Spiders crawl a website, extracting data from the web pages. Each spider is customized for a specific website or set of websites.
You can view the available spiders by running
scrapy list
You can start the crawling using the below command:
scrapy runspider spider_name