This is a software platform for documenting places rapidly being destroyed in U.S. cities due to gentrification: small businesses, vital community centers, affordable housing, historic and local landmarks, etc. It aims to help illustrate the high social and cultural costs of deepening inequality, and also to remember and commemorate what we've lost.
This is currently "alpha" software; be ready to get your hands dirty when using this. Stay tuned for more updates and info.
- A Wikipedia-like site (running the same MediaWiki software) that allows open editing of information.
- Machine-readable semantic data / open data
- An interactive map application drawing from the MediaWiki data
- MediaWiki
- An interactive map application that pulls data from the MediaWiki API.
This repo contains the code to build the docker image for the platform. To build it, run:
docker build -t citieslost:latest .
See the seattlelost repo for an example of how to run and customize the citieslost platform for your own city.
This mainly installs system packages, mediawiki extensions, and copies scripts into the image.
The image entrypoint is /opt/citieslost/scripts/
initializes the database, tweaks config files, and seeds "base" data
needed for the wiki to work. This script, in turns, calls a
script that should be mounted into the
running container, for doing additional customization.
Seeding happens each time you start the container, so it will
overwrite any of your changes to the "core" platform wiki pages. So if
you change any of the pages in the pages/
directory, make sure to put
your version in your city-specific project's city_specific/pages
Ordered from highest to lowest priority:
- add captcha and/or social media login
- file uploads:
- interactive map: search form: year slider: "Show places that existed in: 2008"
- add responsive styling for mediawiki
This project was inspired by Ghosts of Seattle Past.
This code is distributed under a GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for details.