Look up free meal and groceries in Santa Clara County to get through the COVID-19 crisis. View the live site
Initial live site from the City of San Jose
Email Julie Kim if you have questions: julie.kim@sanjoseca.gov
This front-end recode was written on 5-1-2020 by Dane Olsen: dkowebdev@gmail.com
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery for accordion menu functionality
- We used Google Fonts for site font Noto Sans
Icons: Nucleo Library
- Find an issue and assign yourself
- Communicate with the team on Slack (channel: #silicon-valley-strong).
- If you do not already have an account on our Slack channel, join us or Log onto our Slack
- Attend a Code for San Jose civic hack night meetup: https://www.meetup.com/code-for-san-jose/
Made with <3 by Code for San José