A python library for scraping case information from court systems.
- Create and activate a Python 3.7.3 virtual env
git clone git@github.com:codefortulsa/courtbot-library.git
cd courtbot-library
pip install -e .
Install with pip install courtbot
- Add your state to courtbot/states/{two letter state abbreviation}
- Add properties to an init.py file in the diretory
- courts: return a list of strings with the names of available courts e.g
[ ..., 'tulsa', 'wagoner', 'washington', 'washita', 'woods', 'woodward']
- get_case: a function that accepts a case identifier and returns an object
The case object requires:
events: a list of dictionaries which contain a 'date' and 'description'
{'date': 'Wednesday, May 27, 2020 at 9:00 AM',
pytest tests/
or with ipdb:
- `pytest -s tests/`
specify a test:
pytest -s tests/test_parse.py -k 'test_events'
python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload dist/*