The best little URL tool for PHP!
- Fully tested
- Chainable methods
- PSR-0 autoload and PSR-1 compliant
- Friendly syntax for Segment, Query String and other URL part manipulation
#####Coming Soon
- Batch wrapper for processing multiple URLs
- Composer / Packagist publishing
#####Manually Download the Master ( .zip .gz .bz2 )
- Extract to the location of your choosing
- Include url.php
- @include('path/to/extracted/files/src/codenamegary/urlparser/URL.php');
- OR use a PSR-0 compatible Autoloader of your choice
- Map namespace "codenamegary" => 'path/to/extracted/files/src/codenamegary'
#####Composer via Packagist
- In composer.json add "codenamegary/url-parser": "0.1.5-beta" to require
- PHPDocs are included in the repo under 'path/to/extracted/files/docs/index.html'
- Plenty of documentation and examples throughout the source in url.php
#Usage Examples
###Load a complex URL and merge in some query parameters.
$url = new codenamegary\urlparser\URL(',+Japan&daddr=Toronto,+ON&hl=en&sll=43.653226,-79.383184&sspn=0.444641,1.056747&geocode=FRCUIAIduoZTCCnnVy7whxtdYDGJG1cii2EBLg%3BFWoYmgIdcLVE-ymlO8bXkMvUiTF3xLQqUFU1Mg&oq=tokyo&mra=ls&t=m&z=3');
'foo' => 'bar',
echo $url->make();
###Load a complex URL and get rid of some query parameters.
$url = new codenamegary\urlparser\URL(',+Japan&daddr=Toronto,+ON&hl=en&sll=43.653226,-79.383184&sspn=0.444641,1.056747&geocode=FRCUIAIduoZTCCnnVy7whxtdYDGJG1cii2EBLg%3BFWoYmgIdcLVE-ymlO8bXkMvUiTF3xLQqUFU1Mg&oq=tokyo&mra=ls&t=m&z=3');
echo $url->make();
###Get an instance of the URL parser for the page currently being visited
// .. and strip all the segments and query string from the URI
$url = new codenamegary\urlparser\URL;
echo $url;
Full URL of the current page minus the URI segments and query string.
###Swap a URI string
$url = new codenamegary\urlparser\URL('');
echo $url->make();
###Put something in front of coconut
$url = new codenamegary\urlparser\URL('')
echo $url->make();
###Change the host and protocol using method chaining
$url = codenamegary\urlparser\URL::to('')->host('')->protocol('ftp');
echo $url->make();