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Stefan Hueg edited this page Apr 24, 2017 · 3 revisions

In order to use the API, you first have to obtain an API Key from here, which can be skipped if you want to use the demo API which will not provide any realtime data.

Second, you have to create an API instance.

Creation of the API instance

Build API with Demo API-Key

Api api = new Tankerkoenig.ApiBuilder()

Build API with Personal API-Key

Api api = new Tankerkoenig.ApiBuilder()

Build API using a custom ClientExecutor

Internally, OkHttp Client is used for request execution. It will use the default configuration. If you wish to use another client or need some special configuration, all you have is to implement the ClientExecutor interface yourself and implement the required methods or use the existing OkHttp3ClientExecutor and pass your own OkHttpClient instance into it. Then you have to pass your instance to the builder:

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
      //additional configuration

ClientExecutor clientExecutor = new OkHttp3ClientExecutor(client);

final Tankerkoenig.Api api = new Tankerkoenig.ApiBuilder()

API Calls (Full examples)

List of Gas Stations

final StationListResult result = api.list(53.0, 13.0)

Detail Information of a Gas Station

final StationDetailResult result = api.detail("e1a15081-25a3-9107-e040-0b0a3dfe563c")

Fetch prices for the given Station IDs

final PricesResult result = api.prices()
      .addId("e1a15081-25a3-9107-e040-0b0a3dfe563c") //using a single ID
      .addIds("51d4b660-a095-1aa0-e100-80009459e03a", "51d4b6a9-a095-1aa0-e100-80009459e03a") //using IDs as args
      .addIds(Arrays.asList("278130b1-e062-4a0f-80cc-19e486b4c024", "934fc007-1f0a-418f-9169-84cd1c6104da")) //using a collection

Invoke a data correction request

final CorrectionResult result = api.correction("e1a15081-25a3-9107-e040-0b0a3dfe563c", CorrectionRequest.Type.WRONG_PRICE_E5)

For further information, please consult the javadoc.

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