funtube clone -> React + Redux + TypeScript. Live Project Link :
initial LLD plan done for UI ✅
initial routing set up done ✅
- /home : homepage display + search result display
- /watch : watch page result currently playing videos + recommended videos + comments
dark/light theme planning done ✅
- toggle dark class in parent html component, make a higher order component wrapper Theme for the same, on click of dark/light mode button, use redux/context.
- keep on using dark mode classes in tailwind for all the styling's along
building navbar UI ✅
feature - dark/light theme ✅
building sidebar UI ✅
multi-level routing setup for displaying olLoadVideos, searchedVideos, categoryVideos in one view is done via outlet of react-router-dom ✅
onLoadVideos as mostPopularVideos in india ✅
google funtube api setup ✅
redux store setup ✅
funtube slice ✅
videoCard component from data ✅
make search functionlity work, pupulate video in same UI ✅
make category functionlity work, pupulate video in same UI ✅
make watch page, with iframe and playing options ✅
suggested videos tab ✅
- use channel title as a search param, and then make a search call and get list of video
added functionality added ✅
- comment section via data api v3
- channel details sections
final UI touches ✅
- fix UI issues across site ✅ 1> give scrolls | not needed 2> fix down scroll, color mismatch issue | done 3> add footer | done 4> hide sidebar on click of hamburger menu | done
API Calls optimizaions ✅
- remove strict mode which is causing duplicate api calls | done
- cache api data in redux and use from there wherever possible
- built an optmized cache mechanism and most expensive api now calling only 1 every session
make site mobile responsive ✅
- beta v1 done, ready for test ✅
- deploy the app ✅