This project is no longer maintained and will no longer be updated.
Owner: Coder Mind
Install dependencies with:
npm install
Run the application with:
npm start
Install knex cli in your machine with command:
npm install knex -g
After knex cli installed, just run someone commands below:
knex migrate:make "migration_name"
knex migrate:list
knex migrate:up
knex migrate:up "001_migration_name.js"
knex migrate:latest
knex migrate:down
knex migrate:down "001_migration_name.js"
knex migrate:rollback
knex migrate:rollback --all
Install knex cli in your machine with command:
npm install knex -g
After knex cli installed, just run someone commands below:
knex seed:make "seed_name"
Disclaimer: The seed files are executed in alphabetical order.
knex seeds:run
knex seed:run --specific="001_seed_name.js"
mongo-seed <collection>
// To generate article seeds
npm run mongo-seed articles
npm run mongo-seed list
npm run mongo-seed <collection>
npm run mongo-seed articles
npm run mongo-seed latest