This is a disassembly of my Pokémon Crystal romhack based on the dissasembly by pret.
It adds new features such as:
- the physical/special split
- the fairy type
- a move relearner
- the removal of overworld poison damage
- individual colors for each type of pokeball
- much more
This romhack is a WIP and may contain bugs.
It builds the following ROMs:
- Pokemon - Crystal Version (UE) (V1.0) [C][!].gbc
sha1: f4cd194bdee0d04ca4eac29e09b8e4e9d818c133
- Pokemon - Crystal Version (UE) (V1.1) [C][!].gbc
sha1: f2f52230b536214ef7c9924f483392993e226cfb
- Pokemon - Crystal Version (A) [C][!].gbc
sha1: a0fc810f1d4e124434f7be2c989ab5b5892ddf36
- CRYSTAL_ps3_010328d.bin
sha1: c60d57a24bbe8ecf7cba54ab3f90669f97bd330d
- CRYSTAL_ps3_us_revise_010710d.bin
sha1: 391ae86b1d5a26db712ffe6c28bbf2a1f804c3c4
- CGBBYTE1.784.patch
sha1: a25517f60ca0e887d39ec698aa56a0040532a4b3
To set up the repository, see
- Documentation
- Wiki (includes tutorials)
- Symbols
You can find us on Discord (pret, #pokecrystal).
For other pret projects, see