First hyperledger fabric chaincode written in JavaScript.
Linux machine recommended.
Step 1: Clone the repository ,go inside the scripts folder and install the node modules
git clone
cd first-fabric-chaincode
cd scripts
npm install
Step 2: Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed then run the following command to start the fabric network test-network and deploy the chaincode to it
Step 3: Interact with blockchain using the scripts inside the scripts/blockchain-interactions folder using node:
cd blockchain-interactions
node 1-enrollAdmin.js
This will create an admin wallet.
node 2-registerUser.js
This will register a new user.
node 3-invoke.js
This will invoke a transaction on the blockchain.
node 4-query.js
This will query the blockchain and return the data.
Step 4: Finally stop the network and remove the docker containers using:
cd ..