This One-Stop Management System is a comprehensive application developed in C++ to efficiently manage tickets, agents, and operations in a structured and user-friendly way. It uses custom data structures and algorithms, demonstrating an advanced understanding of C++ programming concepts.
- Add, remove, resolve, search, and sort tickets.
- View detailed ticket reports.
- Add agents and assign tickets dynamically.
- LinkedList: Manages ticket information.
- Queue: Handles pending tickets (FIFO).
- Stack: Logs ticket resolutions (LIFO).
- Customizable sorting and searching algorithms.
- Threshold-based system configurations.
Implements Different Sorting and Searching Algorithms
- Sorting
- Elementary Sorting Algorithms
- Bubble Sort
- Selection Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Advance Sorting Algorithms (Conquer)
- Quick Sort
- Merge Sort
- Elementary Sorting Algorithms
- Searching
- Linear Search
- Binary Search
- Interpolation Search
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Compile the program
g++ -o output One-Stop_Management_System/main.cpp
- Run the Executable
- Modify the config.txt file to set:
- Default Sorting Algorithm.
- Default Searching Algorithm.
- Thresholds for various operations.