This floating sphere is an A.R application that allows users to interact with a virtual sphere in a real-world environment. This app offers an immersive experience using AR technology.
Real-time Interaction:** The ball responds to phone and user movements on the given printed image.
Creation steps of the AR app :
1st step-->Preparation: The verion of Unity has to be 6 or higher and with the installed with support for Android and AR Foundation.
Create a new project in Unity- Universal 3D Core-in organization has to be filled with Vuforia account .
2nd step--> Project Configuration:
Import AR Foundation and ARCore XR Plugin from the Unity Package Manager.
Set up your project for Android in File > Build Settings.
3rd step--> Creating the Unity Scene:
Create a new scene and add an AR Session and AR Session Origin.
4th step--> Import the printed image that you want to use (Assets > Import New Asset).
Create an empty GameObject and name it "ImageAnchor"
Drag the image onto the ImageAnchor.
5th step--> Create a C# script called FloatSphere
6th step--> Scene Implementation in Unity:
Create a sphere in Unity (GameObject > 3D Object > Sphere) and turn it into a prefab.
Assign AR Tracked Image Manager to the AR Session Origin object.
Assign your image as a Reference Image in the AR Tracked Image Manager.
Add the FloatSphere script to the AR Session Origin and drag your sphere prefab to the script.
7th step--> Building the .APK:
Set up build options for Android (File > Build Settings).
Build and install the app on your Android device.
- Clone this repository.
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory.
cd flying-ball
- Run the application.
open build.apk
- Open the app on your mobile device and it has to be Android 7 or higher
- Allow access to the camera.
- Scan the environment to see the flying ball in action.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE
file for details.
author :Lavinia (@codewithlavi)
Spanish version#Español
"La Bolita Voladora" es una aplicación de realidad aumentada para Android que permite a los usuarios interactuar con una esfera virtual en un entorno real. Esta aplicación ofrece una experiencia inmersiva utilizando tecnología de R.A.
- Interacción en tiempo real: La bolita responde a los movimientos del movíl y del usuario.
- Clona este repositorio.
git clone
- Navega al directorio del proyecto.
cd bolita-voladora
- Ejecuta la aplicación.
open build.apk
- Abre la aplicación en tu dispositivo móvil Android 7 o superior.
- Permite el acceso a la cámara.
- Escanea el entorno para ver la bolita voladora en acción.
Este proyecto está bajo la licencia MIT. Ver el archivo LICENSE
para más detalles
autor :Lavinia (@codewithlavi)