A cli tool to use apple music through your command line on MacOS. Feel free to make a branch and make any kind of modifications and make a PR to it, tbh I'll most likely merge it, or don't. This will remain unlicensed so do whatever you want with it.
Download or clone down the repo & add this line to your .zshrc file
source ~/add-to-your-.zshrc/zshMusic/zshmusic.zsh
-open | -o | Launches Music | music -o |
-vol | -v | Changes volume | music -v 10 |
-artist | -a | Plays artist from library | music -a metallica |
-stop | -s | Pauses Music | music -s |
-play | -p | Plays Music | music -p |
-next | -n | Skips song | music -n |
-current | -c | Shows current track | music -c |