Learn how to schedule regular web scraping, save the data, and more with Django & Celery.
- Django
- Celery
- Selenium
- Scraped Data to Database via Django
- Reliable Web Scraping with Selenium + Bright Data
- Celery + Redis + Django configuration guide
- Django + Celery Redis blank project code
- Django + Jupyter Setup Module short + code
- Django experience such as Try Django (on YouTube or on CFE) or Your First Django Project.
- Redis Instance
- Setup Redis on Windows blog post
- Setup Redis on MacOS or Linux blog post
- Setup Redis on Remote Virtual Machine blog post
- How I use Redis for new projects short + code
- A Bright Data Account $25 credit for new accounts
git clone https://github.com/codingforentrepreneurs/Django-Celery-Redis
mv Django-Celery-Redis scrape-scheduler
cd scrape-scheduler
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
c:\Python311\python.exe -m venv venv
Install requirements
python -m pip install pip --upgrade
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Run a local redis instance via Docker Compose
docker compose -f compose.yaml up -d
This will give us redis://localhost:6170
Create .env
in src/.env
Navigate into your Django root:
cd src/
You should see at least cfehome/
and manage.py
Run your project in 2 terminals:
python manage.py runserver
celery -A cfehome worker --beat
Let's go!