Problem B: 3D Placement with D2D Vertical Connections
Author Chi-En Ho Chieh-En Wang
2022 ICCAD Problem B website:
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Spilt a large die into two or more small dies and increase the yield, and better cost! In this Problem, we are going to partition a large die into 2 dies with the same sizes. Try to find the placement of the standard cell and the hybrid bonding so that minimize the Half-Perimeter Wirelength(HPWL)
Minimum the HPWL of the 3D placement
- The total number of hybrid bonding terminals is limited.
- All the hybrid bonding terminals need to be placed on the top-most layer of the die with required terminal size and terminal spacing requirement.
- Each inter-die connections need to have 1 and only 1 hybrid bonding terminal.
- The technology process of the 2 dies will be given.
- The cell size, cell height, cell pin location of the same logical library cell would be different in each technology.
- The center point of the hybrid bonding terminals needs to be included in the HPWL calculation for each die.
- All the cells need to be placed on row and cannot have overlap with each other.
- Max placement utilization constraint must be satisfied.
- The minimum resolution of all the coordinate values is integer.
- Partition the big dies into 2 dies (maybe use shemetis?)
- Place and legalize both the top die and bottom die.
- Place the Hydrogen Bond so that minimize the HPWL
NumInstances <instanceCount>
Inst <instName> <libCellName>
NumNets <netCount>
Net <netName> <numPins>
Pin <instName>/<libPinName>
NumInstances 2
Inst C1 MC1
Inst C2 MC3
NumNets 1
Net N1 2
Pin C1/P2
Pin C2/P1
DieSize <lowerLeftX> <lowerLeftY> <upperRightX> <upperRightY>
DieSize 0 0 500 450
TopDieMaxUtil <util>
BottomDieMaxUtil <util>
TopDieMaxUtil 75
BottomDieMaxUtil 80
- The given rows would start from (0, 0) and cover the entire die.
TopDieRows <startX> <startY> <rowLength> <rowHeight> <repeatCount>
BottomDieRows <startX> <startY> <rowLength> <rowHeight> <repeatCount>
TopDieRows 0 0 500 10 45
BottomDieRows 0 0 500 15 30
- If the 2 dies are with different technologies, the given std cell library for each die would have equivalent logic
NumTechnologies <technologyCount>
Tech <techName> <libCellCount>
LibCell <libCellName> <libCellSizeX> <libCellSizeY> <pinCount>
Pin <pinName> <pinLocationX> <pinLocationY>
NumTechnologies 2
Tech TA 2
LibCell MC1 5 10 1
Pin P1 2 7
LibCell MC2 7 10 2
Pin P1 5 3
Pin P2 3 6
Tech TB 2
LibCell MC1 5 15 1
Pin P1 2 11
LibCell MC2 7 15 2
Pin P1 2 12
Pin P2 3 3
- Hybrid bonding terminal size & the required spacing between 2 terminals and between terminal and die boundary
TerminalSize <sizeX> <sizeY>
TerminalSpacing <spacing>
TerminalSize 20 20
TerminalSpacing 15
TopDiePlacement <InstCount>
Inst <instName> <locationX> <locationY>
TopDiePlacement 2
Inst C1 0 10
Inst C4 15 20
BottomDiePlacement <InstCount>
Inst <instName> <locationX> <locationY>
BottomDiePlacement 3
Inst C2 20 15
Inst C3 23 30
Inst C5 50 15
NumTerminals <TerminalCount>
Terminal <netName> <locationX> <locationY>
NumTerminals 2
Terminal N1 100 200
Terminal N3 180 180
- Use the same coordinate system for each die, of which bottom-left points are both
$(0,0)$ . - The outputted coordinate is lower-left coordinate of the cell.
- All the cells can NOT be flipped nor mirrored.
- Learn Cuda or Pthread or Openmp to parallel programming
- Parse the input testcase with format
- Write a global timer. (Runtime limit: 1hr)
- 2-way partition (shemetis?)
- Placement the Standard Cell by simulate annealing
- Stage 1
- Standard Cell are moved between different rows and in the same row.
- Standard Cell overlaps are allowed.
- When the temperature is reached below a certain value,stage 2 begins.
- Stage 2
- Remove overlaps.
- Annealing process continues, but only interchanges adjacent standard cells within the same row.
- Stage 1
- Placement the Hybrid Bonding by calculating the bounding box.
- Calculate
$HPWL_{top\ die} + HPWL_{bottom\ die}$ - Replacement if needed
- Output the result with format