Tuning_10k : Script to build and train the classifier with 10 fold cross validation
Run_HoldOut_10k : is the Script to Run 10 times the script Tuning_10k; after that the result will be 10 model trained with ten fold cross validation
nohup ./run_HoldOut_10k.sh <input.csv> models/models.txt <output_folder> <label> &> log.txt &
where, <input> is the input dataset, <output_folder> is the name of the folder where saving the output, <label> is the class to classify (valence for example).
For example:
nohup bash run_HoldOut_10k.sh Train_Empatica_10sec_valence_noicse.csv models/models.txt results_10sec_valence_noicse valence &>10sec_noicse.txt &
Results parsing.ipynb The script essentially parses and summarizes the performance metrics from multiple text files, calculates mean values, and exports the summarized data to a CSV file. This is useful to uderstand which is the best model!
TestModel : is the script to Run the trained model on the test Dataset
Rscript testModel.R <input_test.csv> <best_model.rds> <prediction.csv> <result.csv>
where, <input_test.csv> is the input testing dataset, <best_model.rds> is the best model trained with the command before, <result.csv> is the name of the file where saving the output metrics.