This project is intended as an intro to utilizing netmiko for troubleshooting port-channels on traditional decentralized control planes.
- Inputs credentials
- Checks host for mac, finds port-channel associated and puts the status in readible format.
- Outputa internal interface logs for that port-channel.
- If you had a team of developers you could regex known patterns to issues.
****Intentionally left this a little messy so you can see the data types and data sources****
Enter device IP:10.xx.x.x
Would you like to find the port channel from mac address=yes or do you know the number already=anything else:yes
Enter mac address formatted as:
E.E.E MAC Address or
EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE MAC Address or
EE:EE:EE:EE:EE:EE MAC Address or
Port-channel is Ethernet118/1/x
po 3054
<class 'str'>
"TABLE_channel": {
"ROW_channel": {
"group": 30xx,
"port-channel": "port-channel30xx",
"layer": "S",
"status": "D",
"type": "Eth",
"prtcl": "LACP",
"TABLE_member": {
"ROW_member": {
"port": "Ethernet118/1/x",
"port-status": "I"
Interface po 3054 information:
Interface is: LAYER 2
Ether Channel Status: DOWN
Port Channel members with status
Port is individual up
>>>>FSM: <Ethernet118/1/5> has 361 logged transitions<<<<<
1) FSM:<Ethernet118/1/5> Transition at 669018 usecs after Sat Sep 29 00:40:36 2018
Next state: [FSM_ST_NO_CHANGE]
- This is something I used to start programming with Cisco/ Nexus.
- I hope the example is a catalyst for other network guys getting into python
- I have not updated since 2018ish.
If you have issues and need help reach out.