Welcome to the repository of the Columbia University Robotics Club Self Driving Car project. We are building a complete autonomous navigation stack with our own perception, mapping, planning, and controls systems. The hardware platform is based on the Traxxas Slash and the F1/10 project.
Once per system, you must run:
sudo apt-get install docker
make ros-jetson-base
This may take up to half an hour, and will build the base image for running ros on nvidia.
To run the container, put your catkin workspace in catkin_ws
and run:
make build-master
make run-master
If you haven't changed the Dockerfile, you can omit make build.
Yup! The catkin_ws
directory is mounted as a volume inside the container, so you can edit your code as usual, and it will be automatically synced with the container.
Inside the container, the catkin_ws
folder will be mounted at root (/catkin_ws
Add your dependencies to the RUN command in the Dockerfile
(this example installs tmux
and ros-kinetic-serial
packages using apt, you can add any additional commands or packages you like).
I recommend tmux as an easy way to manage multiple shells in ROS.
However, if you really want multiple terminal windows instead, you can open a new terminal window on your host computer and run:
docker exec -it ros-container /bin/bash
You can give your command as an argument to script/run
, for example:
script/run roslaunch example.launch
The docker-compose
tool is the standard way to run multiple containers together: https://docs.docker.com/compose/overview/
Is it this one?
docker: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Post http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.26/containers/create: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied.
Reason: your user does not have privileges to run Docker. Put your user into the docker
group or run with sudo
Instead of giving it a command like this:
script/run "cd /tmp/ && ls"
Try this:
script/run sh -c "cd /tmp/ && ls"
You need to give the docker container access to your xhost. Run:
sudo xhost +local:docker
Columbia University Robotics Club is for any Columbia/Barnard student interested in robotics, autonomous systems, artificial intelligence, and more. We welcome undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and staff of all majors and backgrounds to join us in learning from each other and working with each other in these exciting and rapidly growing fields. No prior experience is necessary to get involved with CURC. We welcome members regardless of skill level, and the ultimate mission of CURC is to learn and do new things in robotics.
- Columbia Robotics Club administrators
- Columbia University Mechanical Engineering Department
- RoboSense for supplying the LiDAR(s)
- UPenn & the F1/10 project
- MIT Racecar Project