Flight_Sim_GNN uses reinforcement learning (RL) techniques to produce combat capable 'pilot' agents. It integrates Pytorch neural networks with a physics-based flight simulator, and an optimisation algorithm inspired by Darwinian evolution.
Neural networks typically learn in a supervised manner, with labelled training
data. In our case this is not available due to the autonomous nature of the agent,
and the large number of discrete actions it takes in the training environment. This
means that traditional deep learning methods such as 'naive' back-propagation through a neural network are ruled out.
Because of this we are compelled to consider reinforcement learning techniques, where labelled training data are replaced by a fitness score that provides the feedback required for model weight tuning. This fitness score is awarded to each agent based on their combat performance.
Genetic Algorithms (GAs) try to mimic the processes of natural selection: fitness, crossover, and mutation. The unit of reproduction normally used by a GA is the genome - basically a hash function that can be easily crossed or mutated before being expanded out to generate the phenotype of whatever object is being optimised.
This method of producing the next generation usually offers the advantage of being able to search across the entire parameter-space relatively effectively, but the reductive nature of hashing seems at odds with the finely-tuned innards of a neural network. Flight_Sim_GNN instead considers all the weights and biases of the network as its genome, and uses a less aggressive averaging function when crossing parent networks, rather than the biomimetic 'random cut-and-paste' approach traditionally implemented.
Genetic algorithms have a disadvantage compared to typical machine learning optimisation techniques: There is no guiding hand at work. Maximising fitness by competing against peers results in a random walk through the solution-space. Mutated children rarely outcompete their parents, and it can take many generations before an improvement is seen. This results in a much slower optimisation process compared to gradient descent methods during supervised learning.
Training_loop_elite.py contains the optimisation loop that creates new generations of agents based on a selection of the fittest members from the previous generation.
They, along with various types of ther mutated offspring, must compete in an elite contest (i.e. against the all-time highest scoring model). A points handicap is applied to earlier generations to discourage stagnation during the later stages when the highest scoring model becomes more capable, and hence more difficult to score against.
The best pilots in each generation are selected by calculating a weighted fitness score based on various flight metrics recorded during each match. A summary of each generation's progress is then written to flight_scores.txt, and any model that usurps the current highest score is saved.
The GeneticNeuralNetwork() class defines a Pytorch deep network. Motion data from itself and the enemy plane are passed to the input layer. The output layer is a categorical classifier mapped to the plane's controls. The network is not trained through usual gradient descent methods, but by randomly tweaking its parameters until improvements are noticed.
These random changes are enacted by the mutate() and speciate() methods - the former applies small random adjustments to every weight and bias of the network, whereas the latter applies a larger random adjustment to only a small percentage of the same parameters. The speciate() method aims to explore more of the solution-space faster and also to avoid the optimisation becoming stuck on local maxima in the fitness manifold.
When called, both these methods randomise, within a limited range, the size of their effect - to be more capable of both efficient searching and fine-tuning, as is necessary during different stages of the training epoch.
Environment.py contains the Plane() class, which holds its current position and motion parameters as attributes, and updates these each processor cycle according to its physics model.
An opponent Plane() instance can be designated as a target, so that each instance is aware of its competitor's location and motion parameters. Each instance can manoeuvre to gain an advantage, or to fire its cannon. Various performance metrics are tallied, such as length of flight, number of kills, how close a shot string came to the enemy plane, elusiveness, conservation of ammunition, and making full use of the flight envelope.
Plane() instances also have a basic autopilot option, to provide a long-lived moving target in the earliest stages of training, before being replaced with an instance of GeneticNeuralNetwork().
Combat_viewer.py uses Matplotlib to visualise combat between two instances of the current fittest pilot, or between those from earlier in the high score lineage.
Draw_training_graphs.py uses the winner of each generation's flight data and fitness scores to produce graphs that track the evolution of fitness in the population during training.
Training_loop_adversarial.py works similarly to the elite contest version, except that two separate populations are trained simultaneously, with each member of a generation competing against the all-time highest scoring member from the opposite population.
This delivers a significant reduction in the training time needed to converge upon a stable solution, and with an order-of-magnitude increase in the fitness score at that point! A competition between several populations would presumably improve on this result. If each population were optimising a differently weighted fitness score, these agents could be combined to create a single agent with several behaviour modes.