This repository holds public material generated by and for the CWL board.
CWL is a member project of Software Freedom Conservancy and is required to adhere to Conservancy's corporate policies, as applicable. In particular, please see Conservancy's Travel Policy and Conflicts of Interest Policy. These policies are published at, with source in Git
The process of approving and releasing new versions of Common Workflow Language and associated specifications is detailed in .
We can accept check donations drawn in USD from banks in the USA. (Donations from banks outside of the US or not in USD should be handled by wire).
Make the check payable to "Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc." and to place "Directed donation: Common Workflow Language" in the memo field. Checks should then be mailed to:
Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
137 Montague ST STE 380
We can accept donations via wire in USD, EUR, GBP, and CAD, but we usually send the the instructions on a case-by-case basis as they are different depending on the country of origin and currency. Please just note that donors wishing to send a wire contact
Donations can also be made via PayPal in USD via simultaneously contacts Conservancy and the CWL leadership team.
This address should be CC'ed regarding all activities that involve activities of Common Workflow Language that related to things other than software development and documentation, and particularly any activities that expect to make use of Software Freedom Conservancy's non-profit status. Conservancy folks will often CC that address any time there is an issue that Conservancy wants to make sure the project is aware.
To update any of the email addresses on this list, the CWL project leader should email with
in the CC field.
They are available much of the time by IRC: ircs:// or
If you need to contact Conservancy staff about something related to paying someone, email accounts-payable at tix dot sfconservancy dot org. For something related to money coming in, like a sponsorship, please email accounts-receivable at tix dot sfconservancy dot org. For technical related things, email sysadmin at tix dot sfconservancy dot org. For anything connected to legal matters, email legal at tix dot sfconservancy dot org.
CWL leadership team members can email to request reports on our funds in Conservancy funds, or ask questions about the existing balance and/or expenses.
When one has project expenses that should be reimbursed or paid, please send (or ask the reimbursement-seeker to send) the full details to If the expense hasn't already been approved by the project, and/or Accounts Payable hasn't been given a copy of that approval, CC'ing on the request is a good idea.
If any approvals are needed according to the Conservancy Travel and Reimbursable Expense Policy, please open a separate ticket by emailing
Conservancy stores records on behalf of CWL which are managed via subversion. The are primarily legal records. Included is the Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement, and copies of grant proposals. The ledger of CWL's fund was located here, but as of 2020-05-18 Conservancy has switched to another reporting system.
Access to these records is available to any member of the CWL leadership team.
As of 2018-04-18 the fingerprints for the records server are
1024 SHA256:Jlu69oskv1cKbB+oXh2fX9N4lkGTcLPxmG316SLis3A root@localhost (DSA)
256 SHA256:fQELcImpIk7onyZ5CD19p/XQtgNa16f7EEyMh/Jqet8 root@localhost (ECDSA)
256 SHA256:kPcWSIy5fkKONHqRAu3PY7yAQ/CNwQ5j22NrYPaZc8w root@localhost (ED25519)
2048 SHA256:UFk7QxW3IhennfisJjtTpwrTEH1zWrKwDFLgnb7CN/0 root@localhost (RSA)