This is the code and documentations of Dijkstra, COMP3053, Software Development Workshop III, BNU-HKBU United International College.
Please absolute keep your work SECRET before the course ends!
Welcome to the COMP3053 - Software Development Workshop III course. This course aims to enable your experience on working on a software but not course project. Besides of coding, you will be asked to write a series of documents, including specifications, designs, and tests. Hopefully, you can make a better understanding on engineering methods and teamwork.
- Judy FENG:
- Jefferson FONG:
- Jing HE:
- Junru ZHONG:
Clone this repository
git clone
Fetch new changes
# Pull = fetch + merge
git pull
Commit your changes
# Staging your changes
git add .
# Create a new commit
git commit -m [message]
# Push to remote
git push
Please refer to iSpace for more information.
- You have your right of settling your code after this course ends.
- All rights of this start code and documentations, as well as all course materials are reserved.