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Application management web client for the Companies House Identity service


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API Filing Service - applications.developer.web

This is a Web Service that provides a means for registering and managing applications on the developer hub. It is written using the NodeJS framework, and is intended to act as the user interface through which developers can submit requests to the applications api.


You'll need the following software installed before-hand:

Downloading and installing

There are two ways to download, install and run this Web Service:

  • via Docker, or
  • locally, from your file system

Docker installation

  1. Clone Docker CHS Development and follow the steps in the README.
  2. Run chs-dev modules enable developer-hub
  3. Run chs-dev development enable applications-developer-web-ch-gov-uk (this will allow you to make changes).
  4. Within the applications-developer-web-ch-gov-uk directory, run make clean build
  5. Run docker using chs-dev up in the docker-chs-development directory.
  6. Open your browser and go to page http://dev.chs.local/manage-applications Once the necessary applications have started up, the service should be accessible in you browser at: http://ches.local/manage-applications.

Config set-up

  • The example config file is located at config/.env.example and should be copied over to config/.env.
  • In docker, this re-uses values located in this yaml file.

Local installation

To run this Web Service outside of Docker, you'll still need to carry out the above installation first to get the API service working in order for this app to work.

Having successfully installed Vagrant above, clone the Web Service project into your project root, and run the following commands:

npm install && npm install mocha -g

Redis set-up

  • Install and configure the Redis server on Mac OS X via Homebrew: brew install redis
  • Start Redis with: brew services start redis. This will run Redis with a default port of 6379 on
  • Test if Redis is running by typing the command: redis-cli ping. If it replies with PONG, then it's good to go!
  • Stop Redis using brew: brew services stop redis

Running the app

Firstly, build client assets by running:

npm run build

If you're making changes to client Javascript and SCSS files, you can watch for changes with:

gulp watch

Then, to start the application, run:

npm start

or, to watch for changes with auto restart in your dev environment, run:

npm run watch

...and navigate to http://localhost:3000/manage-applications (or whatever hostname/port number combination you're using).

Testing & coverage

To run the tests:

npm test

To view a summary of unit test coverage, run:

npm run coverage

To view the full coverage report, run:

npm run coverage:report


npm run lint

To auto-fix any issues, run:

npm run lint:fix


The Winston module (together with Morgan) are used for generating and managing this app's logs. When running the app locally, you can tail the log file at server/logs/app.log.

Batch size

There is a maximum batch size for the number of applications, and keys, per query (currently set to 1,000,000) which is stored a variable, called DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE. It can be found, and it's value edited, in server/config/.env.


Path Method Description
/ GET Show Companies House API overview
/manage-applications GET Show all applications
/manage-applications/add GET Show form to create an application
/manage-applications/add POST Create an application
/manage-applications/:appId/view/:env GET Show selected application details
/manage-applications/:appId/update/:env/:confirm? GET Show confirmation page for delete application
/manage-applications/:appId/delete/:env POST Delete application details and redirect to list
/manage-applications/:appId/update/:env GET Show form to update an application
/manage-applications/:appId/update/:env POST Update application details and redirect to view
/manage-applications/:appId/api-key/add/:env GET Show form to create a new API client key
/manage-applications/:appId/api-key/add/:env POST Save new API client key details and redirect to view
/manage-applications/:appId/:keyType/:keyId/delete/:env GET Show form to delete key
/manage-applications/:appId/:keyType/:keyId/delete/:env POST Delete key details and redirect to view
/manage-applications/:appId/:keyType/:keyId/update/:env GET Show form to update key details
/manage-applications/:appId/:keyType/:keyId/update/:env POST Update key details and redirect to view