A CLI tool for spinning up a CHS like system local in a Docker environment orchestrated using Docker Compose.
To install the latest version CLI run the following command:
curl -s -L \
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/companieshouse/chs-dev/main/install.sh |
bash -s
If using other options append following a --
curl -s -L \
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/companieshouse/chs-dev/main/install.sh |
bash -s -- uninstall
You will need to add ${HOME}/.companies_house_config/bin
to your path:
$ printf -- 'export PATH="${PATH}":"${HOME}"/.companies_house_config/bin' >> ~/.bashrc # or ~/.zshrc if using Zsh
To verify installation open a new terminal and run:
$ chs-dev --version
chs-dev/0.1.0 darwin-arm64 node-v20.10.0
To test out development changes you likely will want to install a development copy like so:
$ ./install.sh -B -d "${HOME}"/.devchs-dev -n devchs-dev
$ devchs-dev --version
Provided you've configured your path properly with the default Symlink directory you should be able to run:
devchs-dev --version
The install script can manage the installation/uninstallation (or reinstallation) of the chs-dev CLI. It can be use as follows
./install [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]
- installs current directory to local user profile (for testing)-d <directory>
- specifies the installation directory (Defaults to${HOME}/.chs-dev
- forces the command and does not prompt user for input-l <DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR>
- specifies the Logging level (Defaults toINFO
)-n <name>
- specifies the name of the symlink created in the symlink directory (Defaults tochs-dev
- will prevent the Symlink file to be created-s <directory>
- specifies the directory to add the symlink to, if there is already a local directory on yourPATH
which you can add symlinks to (Defaults to${HOME}/.companies_house_config/bin
)-v <version>
- when installing specifies the version of the CLI to use (Defaults to the latest version)-W
- suppresses the warning about thechs-dev
executable not being on the path-h
- prints usage information and exits
Can be either:
- installs the CLIuninstall
- removes the CLI and related files
$ ./install.sh
[2024-06-13T13:30:49] - [INFO] - Installing version 1.1.4
[2024-06-13T13:30:49] - [INFO] - Downloading CLI tarball. Will take a few moments...
[2024-06-13T13:31:13] - [INFO] - chs-dev CLI installed successfully.
$./install.sh -v 1.0.0 # installs version 1.0.0 of the CLI
[2024-06-13T13:32:04] - [WARN] - chs-dev (version chs-dev/1.1.4 darwin-arm64 node-v20.10.0) already installed
Do you want to reinstall chs-dev?
-- To continue press y
[2024-06-13T13:32:06] - [INFO] - Uninstalling CLI tool
[2024-06-13T13:32:07] - [INFO] - chs-dev CLI uninstalled successfully
[2024-06-13T13:32:07] - [INFO] - Installing version 1.0.0
[2024-06-13T13:32:07] - [INFO] - Downloading CLI tarball. Will take a few moments...
[2024-06-13T13:32:31] - [INFO] - chs-dev CLI installed successfully.
$ ./install.sh uninstall
[2024-06-13T13:34:31] - [INFO] - Uninstalling CLI tool
This will uninstall chs-dev CLI do you want to continue?
-- To continue press y
[2024-06-13T13:34:34] - [INFO] - chs-dev CLI uninstalled successfully
$ ./install.sh -d "${HOME}"/.local/lib/chs-dev -S
The chs-dev cli can be used with projects containing Docker Compose spec files.
It expects a directory services
which contains modules
directory and any
other directories containing services. modules
contains directories
corresponding to modules, within the module directory are Docker Compose spec
files corresponding to services.
$ npm install -g chs-dev
$ chs-dev COMMAND
running command...
$ chs-dev (--version)
chs-dev/2.0.0 darwin-arm64 node-v20.18.0
$ chs-dev --help [COMMAND]
$ chs-dev COMMAND
chs-dev autocomplete [SHELL]
chs-dev development disable SERVICES
chs-dev development enable SERVICES
chs-dev development services
chs-dev down
chs-dev exclude SERVICE
chs-dev exclusions add SERVICE
chs-dev exclusions list
chs-dev exclusions remove SERVICE
chs-dev help [COMMAND]
chs-dev include SERVICE
chs-dev logs [SERVICENAME]
chs-dev modules available
chs-dev modules disable MODULES
chs-dev modules enable MODULES
chs-dev reload SERVICE
chs-dev services available
chs-dev services disable SERVICES
chs-dev services enable SERVICES
chs-dev status
chs-dev sync
chs-dev troubleshoot analyse [OUTPUTFILE]
chs-dev troubleshoot report OUTPUTDIRECTORY
chs-dev up
Display autocomplete installation instructions.
$ chs-dev autocomplete [SHELL] [-r]
SHELL (zsh|bash|powershell) Shell type
-r, --refresh-cache Refresh cache (ignores displaying instructions)
Display autocomplete installation instructions.
$ chs-dev autocomplete
$ chs-dev autocomplete bash
$ chs-dev autocomplete zsh
$ chs-dev autocomplete powershell
$ chs-dev autocomplete --refresh-cache
See code: @oclif/plugin-autocomplete
Removes a service from development mode
$ chs-dev development disable SERVICES... [-P]
SERVICES... names of services to be removed to development mode
-P, --noPull Does not perform a docker compose pull to reset the service to what is stored in ECR
Removes a service from development mode
Adds a service to development mode
$ chs-dev development enable SERVICES... [-b <value>]
SERVICES... names of services to be added to development mode
-b, --builderVersion=<value> [default: latest] version of the builder to use with service
Adds a service to development mode
Lists all services which are available to enable in development mode
$ chs-dev development services [-j]
-j, --json output as json
Lists all services which are available to enable in development mode
Takes down the docker-chs-development environment
$ chs-dev down [-V] [-I]
-I, --removeImages Will remove all images built by the environment
-V, --removeVolumes Will remove all associated volumes
Takes down the docker-chs-development environment
Take down environment
$ chs-dev down
Take down environment, removing all images and volumes created
$ chs-dev down -I -V
Adds a new service to the exclusions list
$ chs-dev exclude SERVICE...
SERVICE... name of service being excluded from the docker environment
Adds a new service to the exclusions list
$ chs-dev exclude
Adds a new service to the exclusions list
$ chs-dev exclusions add SERVICE...
SERVICE... name of service being excluded from the docker environment
Adds a new service to the exclusions list
$ chs-dev exclude
lists the current list of services which have been excluded
$ chs-dev exclusions list [-j]
-j, --json Output to log as json
lists the current list of services which have been excluded
Removes an exclusion for a service.
$ chs-dev exclusions remove SERVICE...
SERVICE... name of service being reincluded in the docker environment
Removes an exclusion for a service.
$ chs-dev include
Display help for chs-dev.
$ chs-dev help [COMMAND...] [-n]
COMMAND... Command to show help for.
-n, --nested-commands Include all nested commands in the output.
Display help for chs-dev.
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
Removes an exclusion for a service.
$ chs-dev include SERVICE...
SERVICE... name of service being reincluded in the docker environment
Removes an exclusion for a service.
$ chs-dev include
Outputs the logs for services and compose logs (i.e. logs from 'up' and 'down' commands)
$ chs-dev logs [SERVICENAME...] [-C] [-f] [-n <value>]
SERVICENAME... specify the service names of the logs to follow, when not specified follows aggregated logs
-C, --compose View the compose logs rather than service logs
-f, --follow Follow the logs
-n, --tail=<value> [default: all] Number of lines from the end of the logs
Outputs the logs for services and compose logs (i.e. logs from 'up' and 'down' commands)
view all aggregated service logs
$ chs-dev logs
follow aggregated service logs
$ chs-dev logs -f
follow logs for service
$ chs-dev logs service-one service-two -f
load the last line in the aggregated service logs
$ chs-dev logs -n 1
view all compose logs
$ chs-dev logs -C
follow compose logs
$ chs-dev logs -C -f
load the last line in the compose logs
$ chs-dev logs -C -n 1
Lists the available modules
$ chs-dev modules available [-j]
-j, --json output as json
Lists the available modules
Removes the services within the supplied modules from the state and any unnecessary dependencies
$ chs-dev modules disable MODULES...
MODULES... list of module names
Removes the services within the supplied modules from the state and any unnecessary dependencies
Enables the services within the supplied modules
$ chs-dev modules enable MODULES...
MODULES... list of module names
Enables the services within the supplied modules
Rebuilds and restarts the supplied service running in development mode to load in any changes to source code
$ chs-dev reload SERVICE [-f]
SERVICE Name of the service
-f, --force Forcefully reload service and force a rebuild
Rebuilds and restarts the supplied service running in development mode to load in any changes to source code
Lists all the available services
$ chs-dev services available [-j]
-j, --json output as json
Lists all the available services
Removes the supplied services and any unnecessary dependencies from the Docker environment
$ chs-dev services disable SERVICES...
SERVICES... names of services to be removed to docker environment
Removes the supplied services and any unnecessary dependencies from the Docker environment
Enables the services and any dependencies for use within the Docker environment
$ chs-dev services enable SERVICES...
SERVICES... names of services to be added to development mode
Enables the services and any dependencies for use within the Docker environment
print status of an environment
$ chs-dev status [-j]
-j, --json output as json
print status of an environment
$ chs-dev status
Synchronises the local version to the version specifed
$ chs-dev sync [-v <value>] [-f]
-f, --force Forces all changes without prompting the user.
-v, --version=<value> Specifies the version/version range to sync to. When a range is specified it will select the
most recent that satisfies the range
Synchronises the local version to the version specifed
Calls the GitHub API to resolve the version depending on whether the version specified
will depend on the number of calls to the GitHub API, the CLI may require the environment
variable 'GITHUB_PAT' set with a PAT capable of calling GitHub. GitHub rate limiting
will prevent >60 unauthenticated requests an hour.
Provides analyses of the environment to determine root cause of any issues encountered. Providing information to user as to how they can resolve the issues encountered.
$ chs-dev troubleshoot analyse [OUTPUTFILE] [-q]
OUTPUTFILE Path to output the analysis results (if desired)
-q, --quiet Suppresses log output
Provides analyses of the environment to determine root cause of any issues encountered. Providing information to user
as to how they can resolve the issues encountered.
Produces an artifact containing resources to aid others providing assistance
$ chs-dev troubleshoot report OUTPUTDIRECTORY [-A] [-a <value>]
OUTPUTDIRECTORY Directory to output the produced report to
-A, --skipTroubleshootAnalyses Whether to skip producing the analyses output if not provided as input (Not
-a, --troubleshootAnalyses=<value> Previously generated analyses of the environment
Produces an artifact containing resources to aid others providing assistance
Brings up the docker-chs-development environment
$ chs-dev up
Brings up the docker-chs-development environment
$ chs-dev up
To configure the environment chs-dev
looks for a file: chs-dev/config.yaml
within the current working directory.
file contains:
-Mapping<string, string>
- provides environment variables for running the Docker Compose services. Values prepended withfile://
will be assumed to be files (unless the file does not exist) and will be replaced with the contents of the file.authed_repositories
- Lists ECR repositories which require authenticationecr_login_threshold_hours
- Number of hours between attempting to login to ECR repos.
- specifies the directory containing the project files to use to provision the environmentCHS_DEV_CHECK_VERSION
- when set will check the version is correct regardless of when it was previously runCHS_DEV_FORCE_ECR_CHECK
- when set will always run ECR login before running upGITHUB_PAT
- when supplied will use the PAT value to authenticate with Github to reduce the likelihood of encountering rate limits when interacting with GitHub's API.CHS_DEV_NO_PROJECT_VERSION_MISMATCH_WARNING
- when set does not show any warnings relating to version not being suitable for project.CHS_DEV_SKIP_PROJECT_STATE_VALIDATION
- when set will not check that the project is valid before running any commandsCHS_DEV_SKIP_ECR_LOGIN_CHECK
- when set will not attempt to login to ECRCH_IBOSS_TRIAL
- when set will bypass the vpn and proxies checks.CHS_DEV_NEW_SERVICE_LOCAL_DIRECTORY
- when set will use the specified directory as local directory for the service specs repository, used when requesting new services.
Services should be configured using standard Docker Compose specification. There are a few things specific to chs-dev which need to be defined for the environment to work as expected
A service should have labels defined, these provide key/value pairs of configuration values to Docker Compose as well as chs-dev. The following labels are referenced by chs-dev for the given purposes:
- meaningful description which describes the servicechs.repository.url
- URL to project which Git can use to clone the repositorychs.repository.branch
- default branch to checkout when the repository is clonedchs.local.builder
- name of a builder to use to build the service in development mode (refer to the Builders section for more detail). When not supplied defaults torepository
- i.e. expects the repository to contain a Dockerfile capable of building the application.chs.local.builder.languageVersion
- passes the major language version for the builder which the builder can use to set the major version to usechs.local.repoContext
- when not specifying a builder or builder isrepository
, specify specific part of the repository to use as the build context for the Docker buildchs.local.dockerfile
- specify the Dockerfile within the repository to use for development modechs.local.builder.outputDir
- specifies the value forOUTDIR
on the builder build arg. Typically for node applications which do not build to standard output directory ofdist
- when set totrue
will apply all the secrets defined in the docker compose spec to the builder servicechs.local.builder.useServiceDockerfile
- when set totrue
will us the Dockerfile for the service rather than the one provided by the builder. The equivalent of merging repository builder with one of the builders within the repository.chs.local.entrypoint
- specifies the entrypoint script for a given service typically for a node application which does not have aecs-image-buid/docker_start.sh
- marks the service as requiring the repository locally in order to be run. This is useful where there may not be a remote repository to use for the service. The service can define its own build configuration referencing its repository/Dockerfile.chs.deprecated
- when set totrue
the service is deprecated and no longer in use, useful where there are multiple service definitions for the same service and only want to maintain one.
chs-dev uses the Docker Compose depends_on
specification for deriving an
exhaustive list of services to run as defined by the enabled services/modules
and their dependencies.
In this project, a builder is a template Docker Compose spec with service(s) capable of taking a project repository and building it to a runnable service. For example, a service which needs compiling before being run a service could take care of building it.
A builder is a directory within local/builders
and versions of the builder
are sub-directories within it. The spec file must have the name
. The builder spec can have any of the following
strings which are replaced when a development Docker Compose spec file is
becomes the name of the service<chs_dev_root>
becomes the absolute path to root of the chs-dev project<repository_path>
becomes the relative path of the repository from the root of the project<absolute_repository_path>
becomes the absolute path to the repository
An example template spec is below:
dockerfile: local/builders/my-awesome-builder/v3/build.Dockerfile
context: <chs_dev_root>
one: two three
- <absolute_repository_path>:/opt/out
- ${HOME}/.m2:/root/.m2
- path: .touch
action: rebuild
dockerfile: local/builders/my-awesome-builder/v3/Dockerfile
context: <chs_dev_root>
one: two three
- <absolute_repository_path>:/opt/out
condition: service_completed_successfully
restart: true
Within these directories can be an useful resources for the images or the builder.
To select a builder the service must have a chs.local.builder
label which is
the name of the directory. Optionally, it can have a
to customise the specific major version for
any language or base image(s) used. When no builder label is supplied the
generated spec file will point at the root of the repository and expect a
Dockerfile to be present. This can be further customised with the
and chs.local.repoContext