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Dissolution API


Running locally

  1. Clone Docker CHS Development and follow the steps in the README (Development workflow is available for this service)

  2. Enable the dissolution module

  3. Dissolution API can be accessed using http://api.chs.local:4001/dissolution-request from within a docker container

Manually build the Docker container

You must be connected to the VPN

mvn compile jib:dockerBuild

API Documentation (Swagger)


Terraform ECS

What does this code do?

The code present in this repository is used to define and deploy a dockerised container in AWS ECS. This is done by calling a module from terraform-modules. Application specific attributes are injected and the service is then deployed using Terraform via the CICD platform 'Concourse'.

Application specific attributes Value Description
ECS Cluster filing-close ECS cluster (stack) the service belongs to
Load balancer {env}-chs-apichgovuk & {env}-chs-apichgovuk-private The load balancer that sits in front of the service
Concourse pipeline Pipeline link
Pipeline code
Concourse pipeline link in shared services



  • Ensure the terraform runner local plan executes without issues. For information on terraform runners please see the Terraform Runner Quickstart guide.
  • If you encounter any issues or have questions, reach out to the team on the #platform slack channel.

Vault Configuration Updates

  • Any secrets required for this service will be stored in Vault. For any updates to the Vault configuration, please consult with the #platform team and submit a workflow request.

Useful Links