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A microservice to extract text from images. This uses Tess4J which itself is a small (Java Native Access) wrapper around Tesseract. As well as returning the extracted text some metadata relating to this service is also returned data returned.

The ocr-api has one thread pool (with a blocking queue) that protects the system from being overloaded (implemented by a ThreadPoolTaskExecutor). In the normal running of this microservice this queue should have very few entries on it.

Supported images types: TIFF

Call Types


Endpoint = [server address]/ocr-api/api/ocr/image/tiff/extractTextRequest

The request to the controller is first vetted and then handed off to an asynchronous thread and a 202 Http status is returned to the client. On the asynchronous thread the following steps are made:

  • Get the image provided in the OCR request,
  • Convert the image to text,
  • Send the results back via a callback URL provided in the OCR Request.


Endpoint = [server address]/ocr-api/api/ocr/image/tiff/extractText

The file to be converted is uploaded to the controller, and the results (extracted text plus meta data) are returned.


This project uses the Companies House Structured logging framework for writing logging messages. A set of log messages are written to allow this microservice to be better monitored.

These key log messages contain a map of values that can be used by systems such as CloudWatch for log queries and Dashboards. They use constants in the file to keep the map key values consistent for all log messages. Since the key values are used in the ocr-api-stack project then they must be updated in both projects together.


  • Java 11
  • Maven
  • Docker


Local Docker Setup


  • Run make dev to build JAR (versioned in target and unversioned in top level d) and run the unit tests (using Java 11)
  • Run docker build -t ocr-api . to build the docker image
  • Run docker run -e OCR_TESSERACT_THREAD_POOL_SIZE -e OCR_QUEUE_CAPACITY -e HUMAN_LOG -e LOGLEVEL -e HOST_WHITE_LIST -t -i -p 8080:8080 ocr-api to run the docker image
  • Alternatively you can create an env file on your machine containing the above variables and reference it in the run command: docker run --env-file ~/.chs_env/ocr-api/env -t -i -p 8080:8080 ocr-api

Docker CHS Setup

  • Ensure you have docker-chs-development installed on your local machine.
  • Run ./bin/chs-dev modules enable ocr in the docker chs directory to enable the project.
  • Run tilt up to start the service.

To activate this project in development mode, run the following command before tilting up

  • Run ./bin/chs-dev development enable ocr-api

The ocr-api should be assessable via http://api.chs.local/ocr-api/

Tesseract Training data

This is used by the Tesseract engine to help in the text recognition. We store the currently used data within configuration management for consistency and speed of the docker build.

To Update the training data, download the eng.traineddata file from one of the following URL (note that using the "best" data slows down the time of the OCR conversion and has not yet be shown to significantly make it better):

Store the data file in docker-resources/tessdata/ with a timestamp and adjust the Docker file to use it.


A set of metadata related to the OCR process is created and logged in the application with a subset of it returned as part of the API. There are two types of meta data:

  • Confidence data obtained from the Tesseract API,
  • Timings (time of the internal queue between the controller and asynchronous service class it calls, the OCR processing time and the total time within the application)

Internally this data is logged while externally a subset of it is returned in the API.


Environment Variables

The following is a list of application specific environment variables for the service to run:

Name Description Example Value
LOW_CONFIDENCE_TO_LOG The minimum confidence value used for logging low confidence scores (logs lines with lower scores than the value set) 40
OCR_TESSERACT_THREAD_POOL_SIZE Number of threads to run the Tesseract Conversion process 4 (default value)
OCR_QUEUE_CAPACITY Maximum number of OCR Requests in the OCR Queue before a 503 is returned 5
HOST_WHITE_LIST Comma separated list of allowed callback Url hosts localhost,chips.local,,chpdev-sl7,

The stats end point

Name Description
instance_uuid UUID for when multiple instance of ocr-api are running in the same AWS ECS Cluster (or instance restarts)
queue_size The number of items on the internal queue waiting to be processed by the Tesseract threads
active_pool_size the largest size of the pool since it was created.
pool_size count of threads in the thread pool.
largest_pool_size count of threads in the thread pool currently running tasks.

Testing Deployment

Using curl

  • To call API for TIFF, POST http://localhost:8080/ocr-apr/api/ocr/image/tiff/extractText passing in a file parameter as the tiff file to OCR and the "responseId" field (optionally add a "contextId" where you want context logging to be more than the "responseId")


# With Context ID
curl -F file=@"src/test/resources/sample-articles-of-association.tif" -F responseId="curl test response id" -F contextId="SAMPLE_ARTICLES" http://localhost:8080/ocr-api/api/ocr/image/tiff/extractText
curl -F file=@"src/test/resources/blank-articles.tif" -F responseId="curl test response id" -F contextId="BLANK-TIFF" http://localhost:8080/ocr-api/api/ocr/image/tiff/extractText
curl -F file=@"src/test/resources/empty-articles.tif" -F responseId="curl test response id" -F contextId="EMPTY-TIFF" http://localhost:8080/ocr-api/api/ocr/image/tiff/extractText
curl -w '%{http_code}' -F file=@"src/test/resources/small-articles.tif" -F responseId="curl test response id" -F contextId="SMALL-TIFF" http://localhost:8080/ocr-api/api/ocr/image/tiff/extractText

# Without Context ID
curl -F file=@"src/test/resources/sample-articles-of-association.tif" -F responseId="curl test response id"  http://localhost:8080/ocr-api/api/ocr/image/tiff/extractText

For Asynchronous Endpoint

curl -w '%{http_code}' --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '{"app_id": "curl-test","image_endpoint": "", "converted_text_endpoint": "", "response_id": "9613245852"}' \

For health check:

curl -w '%{http_code}' http://localhost:8080/ocr-api/healthcheck

For statistics endpoint:

curl -w '%{http_code}' http://localhost:8080/ocr-api/statistics

Using CHS docker

curl --noproxy '*'  http://api.chs.local/ocr-api/healthcheck

curl --noproxy '*'  http://api.chs.local/ocr-api/statistics

curl --noproxy '*' -w '%{http_code}' --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '{"app_id": "curl-test","image_endpoint": "", "converted_text_endpoint": "", "response_id": "9613245852"}' \

Using maven

Tests use jUnit5 tags and use the maven property "included.tests" to specify which ones to run

Integration test

This allows you to locally test the application does an actual OCR image to text conversion

mvn test -Dincluded.tests=integration-test