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This repository contains supplement material of the paper including:
- Color-name judgements that are collected from our 12 minute color perception survey on LabIntheWild
- Color naming probabilistic models for hue colors and full colors
- Interactive visualizations
- Color Translator Finds similar colors in the same language or across languages.
- The probabilities of terms for each hue color bin across 14 languages
- Interactive version of the above
- Maximum Probability Maps for English and Korean color names
- Comparison of translations
- The probabilities of viridis colors for some nameable terms
If you use the data in published research, please cite this paper: Color Names Across Languages: Salient Colors and Term Translation in Multilingual Color Naming Models. Younghoon Kim, Kyle Thayer, Gabriella Silva Gorsky, and Jeffery Heer (2019). EuroVis.