A CoppeliaSim simulator for event vision.
Download and install the Coppeliasim framework: https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/
There is 3 available versions, player, edu and pro. Player is enough to work with neuvisys, but you will not be able to save the scene if you change it.
Install ROS Noetic (Other ROS distribution might work, but this is uncertain): http://wiki.ros.org/noetic/Installation/Ubuntu
It is advised to use the Desktop-Full Install, though other lighter version may also work.
To compile the Neuvisys library, in the root folder:
- Run
mkdir build
,cd build
,cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
If there is some errors, you may have to install the following python packages:
pip install empy
pip install catkin-pkg
- Run
make -j
to compile all targets
Compiled target can be found in the "build/" folder.
Before launching CoppeliaSim, you need to activate ros:
Then launch CoppeliaSim. If ros is working, the ROS interface was found. message should appear on the CoppeliaSim console at the bottom.
You can open the Neuvisys Coppelia scene with:
File/Open scene...
- Open
Then just launch the neuvisys-simulator target with: