Supplementary Features of BiLSTM for Enhanced Sequence Labeling
The details of the global context mechanism is shown in Fig 1.
- python==3.8.13
- torch==1.13.0
- transformers==4.27.1
- tqdm==4.64.0
- numpy==1.22.4
In our reserach, we evaluated the effectiveness of the global context mechanism across two key NER tasks:
- Aspect-Based sentiment analysis (ABSA): The dataset for ABSA are publicly available thansk to (Li, 2019)
- Named Entity Recognition: We utilized datasets from Conll2003, wnut2017, and weibo
Our experiments verify the global context mechanism on various pre-trained transformers. For English dataset, we used models including DeBERTa, RoBERTa, BERT, while for Chinese dataset, we applied MacBERT-Chinese and BERT-Chinese respectively. In there, we detailed the F1 improvement and training hyper-parameters for BERT. Additionally, we utilized BertTwitter and BERT-Chinese for the Wnut2017 and Weibo datasets, respectively.
Module | Rest14 | Rest15 | Rest16 | Laoptop14 | Conll2003 | Wnut2017 | |
BERT | 71.86 | 60.06 | 70.3 | 61.71 | 92.00 | 54.63 | 67.76 |
BERT-BiLSTM | 74.08 | 62.85 | 70.27 | 60.86 | 91.68 | 55.46 | 70.25 |
BERT-BiLSTM-Context | 74.79 | 63.65 | 71.86 | 63.33 | 91.66 | 56.14 | 70.98 |
Module | Rest14 | Rest15 | Rest16 | Laoptop14 | Conll2003 | Wnut2017 | |
BERT | 5E-5 | 5E-5 | 5E-5 | 5E-5 | 1E-5 | 1E-5 | 1E-5 |
BiLSTM | 1E-2 | 1E-3 | 8E-4 | 1E-3 | 5E-3 | 1E-3 | 1E-4 |
global context mechanism | 1E-2 | 1E-4 | 5E-4 | 5E-5 | 1E-3 | 8E-4 | 1E-4 |
full-connect | 1E-4 | 1E-4 | 1E-4 | 1E-4 | 1E-4 | 1E-4 | 1E-4 |
Batch size 16: Laptop14, Rest15, Conll2003, Wnut2017;
Batch size 32: Rest14, Rest16, Weibo
GPU: To remedy influence the influence of hardware, we conducted our experiments on three different GPU card : Nvidia V100 16G, Nvidia A10 and Nvidia A4000. We found that the optimal learning rates for global context mechanism varied across different GPUs. Specifically, for Conll2003, Wnut2017 and Weibo, smaller learning rate were more appropriate, such as 1e-4, 5e-4 and 5e-5. However, for Rest14, 15, 16 and Laptop 14, larger learning rate were more effective.
Early Stopping: we employed early stopping by the F1 score on validation dataset. The details of the early stop settings are as follows:
Dataset | Total Train Epoch | No Improve Epoch |
Rest14 | 50 | 10 |
Rest15 | 50 | 10 |
Rest16 | 50 | 10 |
Laptop14 | 50 | 10 |
Conll2003 | 20 | 10 |
Wnut2017 | 20 | 10 |
20 | 10 |
Pret-trained mode with Bert
python --mode pretrained --model_name bert-base-cased --batch_size 32 --task_type absa --dataset_name rest14 --use_tagger True --use_context True
Light mode with BiLSTM
python --mode light --model_name lstm --batch_size 32 --task_type absa --dataset_name rest14 --use_context True
- model_name: pretrained model name. default: bert-base-cased
- use_tagger: using BiLSTM or not. default: True
- use_context: using context mechanism or not. default: False.
- learning_rate: learning rate for pre-trained transformers. default: 1e-5
- learning_rate_tagger: learning rate for BiLSTM . default: 1e-3
- learning_rate_context: learning rate for global context mechanism. default: 1e-3
- learning_rate_classifier: learning rate for full-connect layer default: 1e-4
- context_mechanism: which context mechanism will be used [self-attention or global]. default: global.
- mode: using pretrained transformers or others light architectures like LSTM and CNN etc. default: pretrained.
- no_improve: early stop steps. default 10.
- tagger_size: dimension of BiLSTM hidden size. default 600.
You can use this training framework in production by customizing a reader to align with your custom data, while maintaining the standard of the Dataset as before. This reader function will serve as a parameter to construct the Dataset classes.
Note: use 'dataset_dir + task_type + dataset_name' to fetch data
The best F1 scores we achieved using the global context mechanism on each dataset, are as follows:
Rest14 | Rest15 | Rest16 | Laoptop14 | Conll2003 | Wnut2017 | ||
F1 | 78.14 | 67.91 | 71.86 | 68.88 | 92.67 | 59.20 | 70.98 |
Base Model | RoBERTa | XLNET | BERT | Roberta | RoBERTa | RoBERTa | BERT-Chinese |