The models within this project examines the relationship between availability of informal intergenerational childcare and levels of differential wage outcomes for working mothers.
├── Code/
├── data_cleaning/
# R Scripts to process, reshape, recode and label variables to be used
├── data_exploration/
# Rmd and formatted outputs to add basic exploratory visualization
├── results/
# Rmd and formatted outputs for final models
├── Data/
# .RData format NLSY97 data in person year format; used to run models
- NLSY97_Preprocessing_1.R: Reads in data and reshapes to PUBID-Year Format
- NLSY97_Preprocessing_2.R: Filters data, infers null fields, and customizes columns representing the variables to be regressed.
- final_results.R: R Code to run finalized regressions
If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback about this research or code, please contact me at