Flare is a student-built and maintained web application that visualizes data generated by Artificial Intelligence models. Flare helps stakeholders and researchers track model progress, assess performance, and gain valuable information from AI outputs.
- Docker Desktop: Ensure Docker Desktop is installed and running to manage containerized applications.
- Linux/WSl: Required to ensure permissions are handled appropriately.
- Installation for Windows:https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install
- NVM: Use Node Version Manager (NVM) to manage Node versions, ensuring compatibility with the frontend Vue app.
- Installation: Detailed below in Vue Development Setup
- Node.js: A JavaScript runtime for running server-side code.
- Installation: Detailed below in Vue Development Setup
- Vite: A development server and build tool optimized for Vue.
- Installation: Detailed below in Vue Development Setup
- Set Up Environment Variables and Nginx:
- Create a .env file in the project’s root directory. This file will contain environment variables needed by Docker.
- Copy the contents from env.dist and update the values with your own variables.
- Create a nginx.conf file in the project's root directory.
- Copy and paste nginx.conf.template's contents into nginx.conf
- Replace Port and ServerName with the correct variables.
- Ensure that Docker Desktop is running on your machine.
- Ensure you are using a Linux/WSL terminal.
- Start in the root directory: 'cd CDL-Broadcast'
- Run 'docker compose build' and 'docker compose up' (run 'docker compose up -d' to run in the background)
- If you make changes to the code make sure you 'docker compose down' and then repeat step 4.
- Use NVM to switch to the Node version specified in the frontend container.
- Linux/WSL Installation:
- Install:
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash
- If that fails use
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash
- If that fails use
- Install node using nvm :
nvm install node
-Install node version:nvm install 22.10.0
- Switch to the version used in the frontend container :
nvm use 22.10.0
- Check the node version:
node -v
- Install:
- Linux/WSL Installation:
- Change to the Vue app directory
cd vue-ui
- Install vite:
npm install vite
- Install vite:
- Build containers
- Run
docker compose build
- Run
docker compose up -d
- Run
- Run the development enviornment :
npm run dev