connect to AWS console. Go to cloudformation and create a new stack
to play cloudformation/init.yml.
In Outputs you find usefull data for next step.
and follow instructions
Go to EC2 section in AWS console and get elb security group id
Run locallly :
./bin/ <sg-group-id>
Use the first parameter to define the desired size (in G).
./bin/ 30 # For example, 30G.
Use sudo reboot
to apply changes.
Use df -h
to make sure your disk is correctly resized.
NOTE: : You can ignore the following error message returned by resize script
An error occurred (VolumeModificationRateExceeded) when calling the ModifyVolume operation: You've reached the maximum modification rate per volume limit. Wait at least 6 hours between modifications per EBS volume.
FAILED: unable to determine partition type