OBSOLETE Controlshift Labs doesn't integrate with Salsa classic anymore, so this gem is deprecated.
can fetch data from the Salsa Labs API.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'salsa_labs'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install salsa_labs
By default, you can store your API credentials as the environment variables SALSA_LABS_API_EMAIL
to avoid the need to re-enter your password multiple times. Otherwise you will need to pass your credentials into the SalsaLabs::ApiClient
or appropriate fetching method as you call it.
You may also specify the sandbox with the environment variable SALSA_LABS_API_URL
or by passing it in the credentials hash. Otherwise, the API URL defaults to https://hq-salsa.wiredforchange.com
is a general-purpose object for performing GET requests from the Salsa API.
# Create a client
client = SalsaLabs::ApiClient.new({email: 'barry@example.com', password: 'myPassword'})
# Perform arbitrary requests from Salsa API. If not already authenticated, client will do so automatically.
client.fetch('/api/getObjects.sjs', {object: 'Supporter'})
# => Returns XML output of all supporters returned by API.
# Pass filter criteria to #fetch to retrieve a more focused result set.
# Filtering can be necessary if your result set exceeds allowed API limits.
# This query pulls all supporters with an address in Washington, D.C.
client.fetch('/api/getObjects.sjs', {object: 'Supporter', State: 'DC'})
You can get a list of API calls and information about Salsa database objects here: https://help.salsalabs.com/entries/23537918-Getting-data-from-Salsa
Currently specific functionality exists to work with Action campaigns and Supporters. More objects will be added later.
# Fetch all actions from Salsa. First argument is filter criteria, second argument is credentials if you are not storing them as environment variables.
actions = SalsaLabs::Action.fetch({}, {})
# => Array of SalsaLabs::Action objects.
# Examine the Action.
# => {"action_key"=>"12345", "organization_key"=>"90210", "title"=>"My Action Title" ...}
# Fetch all supporters from Salsa. First argument is filter criteria, second argument is credentials if you are not storing them as environment variables.
supporters = SalsaLabs::Supporter.fetch({'state'=>'NY'}, {})
# => Array of SalsaLabs::Supporter objects who live in NY
# Examine the Supporter.
# => {"supporter_key"=>"12345", "organization_key"=>"90210", "first_name"=>"John", "mi"=>"Jacob", "last_name"=>"Jingleheimer Schmidt" ...}
# Futher refine your search with tags
supporters = SalsaLabs::Supporter.tagged('awesome', {'state'=>'NY'}, {})
#or multiple tags OR-ed together
supporters = SalsaLabs::Supporter.tagged(['awesome','super'], {})
#Save supporters to Salsa as they take action
supporter = SalsaLabs::Supporter.new({'first_name'=>'Jesse','last_name'=>'James','state'=>'MI'})
#Save extra information about supporters with a tag
#or a list of tags
returns a hash corresponding to all the attributes returned by the API, so it should accommodate custom fields and/or new fields added later by SalsaLabs. All attribute names are downcased.
Ruby 1.9 is required.
The salsa_labs
gem was created and is maintained by Allison Sheren and Geoff Harcourt.
Development is generously sponsored by Velocity, in support of their work with progressive organizations.
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request
The salsa_labs
gem is Copyright 2013-2014 Velocity. It is free software, and
may be redistributed under the terms of the MIT license, specified in the