These are metric containers to support the metrics operator. They are built separately to ensure modularity of development.
- View the ⭐️ Metrics Operator Documentation ⭐️
Metrics for the Metrics Operator are backed by containers. For example, storage metrics need to deploy containers that create PV/PVCs for some backend of choice, and the containers need to have the software that monitors the storage. Application metrics are similar, but will have software to monitor process(es). We store (and provide automated builds) for those containers here. Since metrics software can span multiple spaces (e.g., perf vs. storage) we namespace them by tool.
- sysstat provided via
- fio
- lammps
- hacc (this does not work outside of PowerPC)
- nekbone with more information in this PDF
- osu-benchmark
- qmcpack and a summary here
- amg has problem examples here
- kripke builds from LLNL/Kripke
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