- Determine whether consent needs to be gathered based upon the users location.
- Gather consent once it has been determined it is required. Consent is gathered using a widget which allows a user to accept data gathering on a company and purpose basis. Users can also accept or deny all consent.
- Click File > New > Import Module.
- Click Import .JAR/.AAR Package then click Next.
- Enter the location of the compiled AAR file of cmp's widget then click Finish.
- Open the app module's build.gradle file and add a new line to the dependencies block as shown in the following snippet:
dependencies {
implementation project(":cmp")
- Click Sync Project with Gradle Files.
Generally speaking you should gather consent as soon as you first launch your app. However, you can do it at any point you prefer. It is essential that you initialize the app as soon as possible. Remember, any third party frameworks, such as advertising or analytics will NOT BE ABLE TO OPERATE until you have gathered consent, so it is essential that you determine your consent requirements and gather consent before you initialize your other frameworks. However, most high quality frameworks should be checking for consent and should also be watching the consent values for changes, so it may be alright to initialize those frameworks and then gather consent. Read documentation for each framework and act accordingly.
import com.conversantmedia.gdprcmp.ConversantCmp
initialize the ConversantCMP widget within the Activity. If you are unsure of initialization parameters for these objects, check the documentation for each function (option click on the function).
To load the static config data
- Initializing the ConversantCmp class first if your using inside the fragment class check for context before initilazation and pass the static JSON config data as parameter to the cmp's method setConfig.
private fun initConversantCmp() {
cmp = context?.let { ConversantCmp(it) }
private fun getStaticConfig(): String {
return "{\"countryCode\":\"US\"\n" +
",\"gdprAppliesGlobally\":true,\n" +
"\"policyUrl\":\"http://www.adtech123.com/privacy/\"\n" +
",\"version\":\"1\"\n" +
",\"id\":1\n" +
private void initConversantCmp(){
try {
cmp = new ConversantCmp(this);
} catch (CnvrCmpException e) {
private String getStaticConfig() {
return "{\"countryCode\":\"US\"\n" +
",\"gdprAppliesGlobally\":true,\n" +
"\"policyUrl\":\"http://www.adtech123.com/privacy/\"\n" +
",\"version\":\"1\"\n" +
",\"id\":1\n" +
- Please note, the gdprAppliesGlobally will be required to be set to true for testing the CMP widget in case the publisher is not located within a region where GDPR regulations apply.
- This configuration parameter is used to signify that the CMP should show for every user regardless of GEO location/IP Address. This would also be the case if the publisher is located within the jurisdiction of the EU and would like to apply the GDPR regulations to all of its users.
button.setOnClickListener {
activity?.let { it1 -> cmp?.presentCMPWidget(it1, requestCode = 100) }
button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
conversantCmp.presentCMPWidget(YourActivity.this, 100);
button.setOnClickListener {
activity?.let { it1 ->
cmp?.modifyConsent(it1, requestCode = 100)
button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
conversantCmp.modifyConsent(YourActivity.this, 100);
5. To check if GDPR consent is required use the following. Result will be an optional NULL in case of timeout depending upon the language used.
cmp?.checkGDPRIsRequired(activity, object : OnCompletion {
override fun onComplete(isRequire: Boolean?) {
if (isRequire != null) {
//GDPR status if it is required true else return false
cmp.checkGDPRIsRequired(this, new ConversantCmp.OnCompletion() {
public void onComplete(@Nullable Boolean isRequire) {
if (isRequire != null){
//GDPR status if it is required true else return false
- Please note that the GDPR check is already called internally for both present and modify consent APIs so not required to be called additionally for those two functions.
shared preference as per requirement. Here we are deleting two keys as an example.
revoke.setOnClickListener {
revoke.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {