Firestorm WoD Leak World of Warcraft Warlords of Draenor ( emulator based on TrinityCore project, JadeCore (5.0.5), Garrosh (5.4.X)
Never commit into interrealm only crash fix, wod branch is the prod branch !
- Platform: Linux, Windows or Mac
- Git ≥ 1.7+
- ACE ≥ 6.2.0
- MySQL ≥ 5.5.0+
- SQLyog
- CMake ≥ 3.2+
- OpenSSL ≥ 1.0.x Find the 64bit version by finding the latest 1.0.x Win64 OpenSSL that is NOT the "light" version. NOT 1.1.x Version. Example: Win64 OpenSSL v1.0.2k Find the 32bit version by finding the latest 1.0.x Win32 OpenSSL that is NOT the "light" version. NOT 1.1.x Version. Example: Win32 OpenSSL v1.0.2k
- GCC ≥ 4.7.2 (Linux only)
- MS Visual Studio ≥ 14 (2017) (Windows only x64)
- boost 1.64.0 64bit: 32bit:
- Xcode 7 (Mac only)
- P>S> ONLY FOR LOCAL PLAY DOWNLOAD Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Package Detailed installation guides are available in the wiki for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX.
In order to complete the installation of the core, you need some other dependencies, they are:
- LibCurl, under linux its the package libcurl4-openssl-dev, under windows you may have to compile it your self,
- EasyJson headers, for that you only need to execute in your git repo :
git submodule init && git submodule update --remote
- If you have the message
Git was NOT FOUND on your system
please uninstall and update your git version (you can also change the path for the binary on yout PATH) - NEW Windows user you need the mysql server installed, download the last version (5.7+) here : MySQL Community Server if you need the x86 build just change the include path on cmake
- NEW If you use MSVC 2013 you MUST have the update 3+
- When fixing bug, by all means include the issue number.
- When completing feature if you have some task identifier, include that.
- If the identifier included goes with subject, it often makes sense to just reuse it. (Use Core/XXX: "Commit name" format)
- If the project is large, mention which component is affected.
- Describe the change in functionality , never the code (that can be seen from the diff).
####How to Cppcheck
run cppcheck --enable=all --xml-version=2 > PathToFile/cppcheck.xml --inconclusive path PathToFile/wod/src/ --verbose
and run ./cppcheck-htmlreport --file=PathToFile/cppcheck.xml --source-dir=PathToFile/wod/src --report-dir=PathToFile/wod/cppcheck/
to get the html out