- python 3.5+
- openAi.gym (pip install gym)
- Random_exploration : random_guessing.py : shows results if the env is enxplored randomly without any learning agent.
- Q_learning: Q_learning_agent.py : Creates apolicy iteration Q_learning model and genrates the respective Q_table while learning and produces the reeepctive results.
- Deep_Q_learning : DQN_model_1.py : Creates a Deep_Q_learning agent and trains it to play the game.
- Random_exploration : random_guessing.py : shows results if the env is enxplored randomly without any learning agent.
- Q_learning: Q_learning_agent.py : Creates apolicy iteration Q_learning model and genrates the respective Q_table while learning and produces the reeepctive results.
- Deep_Q_learning : DQN_model_1.py : Creates a Deep_Q_learning agent and trains it to play the game.