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An Odoo Ansible Provisioning Role

This an Ansible role for provisioning Odoo. It supports:

  • Odoo 12
  • Odoo 11
  • Odoo 10

I has not been tested yet with Odoo 13.


A PostgreSQL(9.5+).

By now this role only supports peer authentication for PostgreSQL database access.

So you need to create a database in PostgreSQL, one user with access to that database, and one system user with same username.

For instance, you can create an odoo user in PostgreSQL with access to the created database, and an user named odoo in your system.

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values:

  • Edition

This role supports installing Odoo following two different strategies: git (from a git repository) and tar (a package or compressed release file).

# Odoo releases download strategy: tar or git
odoo_role_download_strategy: tar

# Vars for tar download strategy
# supported any other formats supported by ansible unarchive, i.e. by unzip or gtar)
# Releases from odoo nightly
odoo_role_odoo_version: 11.0 # not used outside this file
odoo_role_odoo_release: 20190505 # not used outside this file
odoo_role_odoo_url: "{{ odoo_role_odoo_version }}/nightly/src/odoo_{{ odoo_role_odoo_version }}.{{ odoo_role_odoo_release }}.tar.gz"
# Releases from an Odoo comunity backports updated fork
# odoo_role_odoo_release: "11.0_2019-05-05"
# odoo_role_odoo_url: "{{ odoo_role_odoo_release }}/OCB-{{ odoo_role_odoo_release }}.tar.gz"
odoo_role_odoo_download_path: "{{ odoo_role_odoo_path }}/../odoo_releases/odoo_{{ odoo_role_odoo_version }}.{{ odoo_role_odoo_release }}.tar.gz"

# Vars for git download strategy
odoo_role_odoo_git_url: ""
# OCA's OCB, branch 11.0. LTS probably until 14.0 release. 13.0 is scheduled for October 2019.
odoo_role_odoo_git_ref: "11.0"
# Variable to define pip version
odoo_role_pip_version: "23.1.2"

# Variable for force reinstall existing python version in pyenv. When set to false, the role will not reinstall the python version (using `--skip-existing` flag).
odoo_role_force_pyenv_version: false
  • Users and group
odoo_role_odoo_user: odoo
odoo_role_odoo_group: odoo
  • Directories structure
odoo_role_odoo_venv_path: /opt/.odoo_venv
odoo_role_odoo_path: /opt/odoo
odoo_role_odoo_bin_path: "{{ odoo_role_odoo_path }}/build/scripts-2.7/odoo"
odoo_role_odoo_python_path: "{{ odoo_venv_path }}/bin/python"
odoo_role_odoo_config_path: /etc/odoo
odoo_role_odoo_log_path: /var/log/odoo
odoo_role_odoo_modules_path: /opt/odoo/modules
  • Databases
# Array of DBs that the role will create.
odoo_role_odoo_dbs: [ "odoo" ]
# In a multidb environment, where more than one group use the same instance with isolated views,
# each db name must match the DNS name it will accessed from in order for Odoo to direct the queries to the right DB.
odoo_role_odoo_dbs: [ "", "" ]
# Only in multidb environment, select DB based on the HTTP Host header.
odoo_role_dbfilter_enabled: true
# This is the password Odoo asks to user allow them to create, delete, etc. DBs
odoo_role_odoo_db_admin_password: 1234
# Whether to populate db with example data or not.
odoo_role_demo_data: false
# Give the chance to select a database before login (when dbfilter disabled), and enable db manager web interface
odoo_role_list_db: false
  • Odoo HTTP server settings
# Set this to when Odoo runs behind a reverse proxy
# Set this to true when Odoo runs behind a reverse proxy
odoo_role_odoo_proxy_mode: false
# Specify how many HTTP workers you need (default is 1)
odoo_role_workers: 2
  • Odoo other server settings
# Customize the Odoo timeouts
odoo_role_limit_time_cpu: 60
odoo_role_limit_time_real: 120

# Customize the Odoo memory limits
odoo_role_limit_memory_hard: 2684354560
odoo_role_limit_memory_soft: 2147483648
  • Core modules list to install/update
# List of modules to install before running the server. "Shared" part is common to all db's, specific db modules goes into their "db" part
    - base
    - account
  • Community modules list to install/update
# List of modules to install before running the server. "Shared" part is common to all db's, specific db modules goes into their "db" part

    - web_responsive
    - mis_reports
  • Force update odoo modules In order to force update an odoo module or a list of modules execute provisioning with the command
-e "odoo_role_modules_force_update=['l10n_es']"
  • Development mode

Odoo has a mode to auto-reload the server when the code changes and read the views from the code to agile the development process. Using the command line parameter --dev we can run Odoo in a development mode.

odoo_role_dev_mode: true

If this mode is active, the systemd unit is not created and you need to run the Odoo process manually. You can start it with the following command:

./odoo-bin -c /etc/odoo/odoo.conf --dev all

If you need to use the Rest Framework and want to start the server in development mode, use:

odoo_role_enable_rest_framework: true

This option add to the Odoo configuration file the section and option to development mode:

If you need to use the module queue_job, use:

odoo_role_enable_queue_job: true

This option add to the Odoo configuration file the option to enable queue_job as a new thread/process:\_job/README.rst#id12

  • Server-wide modules

If you need to install some wide-server modules apart from db_filter and queue_job, use:

odoo_role_odoo_server_wide_modules: ['module1', 'module2']

By default, it configures as a server-wide modules web and base -as long as they are mandatory from Odoo v12- in every case and db_filter and queue_job if the corresponding variables are set to true .

  • Workers configuration

You can also define how many workers you want to use to execute the jobs:

odoo_role_channels: root:2

If you want to use the module setnry, use:

odoo_role_enable_sentry: true
odoo_role_sentry_dsn: https://your_sentry_url
  • i18n Overwrite

We can force the i18n overwrite using the next variable:

odoo_role_i18n_overwrite: true

You can define this var in the inventory or use it when execute a playbook:

ansible-playbook playbooks/provision.yml -i ../my-inventory/inventory/hosts --ask-vault-pass --limit=host -e "{odoo_role_i18n_overwrite: true}"
  • Environment variables

If you need to define a set of environment variables for your server, you can use the environment_variables dict var:

  var_name1: "var_value1"
  var_name2: "var_value2"
  var_name3: "var_value3"

This option add a file in /etc/default/odoo with the vars and add to the Systemd service the EnvironmentFile attribute pointing to `/etc/default/odoo.

Role Tags

  • Using the only-modules Tag

This tag helps you install or update Odoo modules without performing a full setup. Run the playbook with the --tags option:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml --tags "only-modules"

Developer aids

You can skip this by setting the odoo_role_dev_helpers var to false.

odoo_role_dev_helpers: true

x Community Roles


To use community roles, you need to deploy this modules in the server. This role manage the modules deployment with pip.

You can define a requirements.txt file to manage the modules and ensure the version installed:

# requirements.txt

The default requirements.txt file path is "{{ inventory_dir }}/../files/requirements.txt".

You can change it with the odoo_role_community_modules_requirements_path var.

This allows you to have different requirements.txt files and use them on a conditional way.

For example, you could set it {{ inventory_dir }}/../files/requirements-dev.txt and use it for dev envs redefining the variable at host_vars level.


Once the modules are in the server, you need to install them in the database.

Define a odoo_role_odoo_community_modules var with the list of the modules names you want to install.

# inventory/group_vars/all.yml
odoo_role_odoo_community_modules: 'contract,contract_sale_invoicing'


This role is not depending on other roles (yet).

Example Playbook

- hosts: odoo_servers
    - role: coopdevs.odoo-role
        odoo_role_odoo_db_name: odoo-db
        odoo_role_odoo_db_admin_password: "{{ odoo_admin_password }}"
        odoo_role_download_strategy: tar
        odoo_role_odoo_version: 11.0
        odoo_role_odoo_release: 20180424

Developing & Testing

For developing and testing the role, we use devenv to manage local virtual machines in Linux environments.

You can use the .devenv file in tests folder to create a virtual machine.


Then, you can test the role with the following command:

ansible-playbook devenv.yml -i inventory

It will provision a virtual machine with postgresql and then, execute the role.


To publish a new release:

  • Go to releases and click on Draft a new release.
  • Create a new tag on Choose a tag and update the description with the changelog, as the example below:
## What's Changed
* feat: invert add-ons paths order by @oyale in
* Add pytest and coverage packages to dev environments by @oyale in

**Full Changelog**:
  • After publishing the release go to ansible galaxy to import the new release. You should find the odoo-role repository under My content.



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