This is our implementation of the Space API v0.13 and v14 in Rust. We're using the spaceapi and spaceapi-server crates to simplify the implementation.
Space API Documentation:
To get the current SpaceAPI status object:
To update a sensor value, send a PUT request to the sensor endpoint:
PUT /sensors/<data_key>/ value=<value>
$ curl -v -X PUT -d value=42.1337
$ http --form put :3000/sensors/people_now_present/ value=3
Use Cargo to build:
$ cargo build
Then you can start the spaceapi server:
$ cargo run
You can also specify a different ip or port:
$ cargo run -- -i -p 1337
To specify another Redis instance than redis://
, set the
and/or REDIS_DB
env variables.
If you want to see logging, set the RUST_LOG
env variable:
$ cargo build
$ RUST_LOG=warn target/debug/coredump_status
You can also show logs only from a specific crate:
$ RUST_LOG=spaceapi_server=debug cargo run
To use the redis storage start the redis server:
$ redis-server
(...or start it using your favorite init daemon.)
You can access the database with the redis-cli
% redis-cli> SET people_now_present 1
OK> GET people_now_present
"1"> KEYS *
1) "people_now_present"
We currently store data in the following redis keys:
- people_now_present (integer)
- people_in_cyberspace (integer)
- raspi_temperature (float)
- room_temperature (float)
To build the docker image based on the current codebase:
$ docker build -t coredump/status:latest .
If you want to test this using a redis database, first launch a redis container:
$ docker run -d --name spaceapi-redis redis:7.0
Then launch a new container from the image:
$ export PORT=3000
$ docker run -d --name spaceapi -p$PORT:3000 --link spaceapi-redis coredump/status
(If you don't need a datastore, you can also leave away the redis container and the --link
To stop it again:
$ docker stop spaceapi
$ docker stop spaceapi-redis
The docker image at will be automatically rebuilt on every push to master.