About this project.
- Create a clone of this repository: (only do 1st time)
- Set current working directory to repository:
cd bechdel_tester
- create a virtual environment (only do 1st time)
python3 -m venv venv
- activate the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
- install requirements (only do 1st time)
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Generate a github access token:
- Follow steps 1-9 on this guide: Creating a personal access token
- For scopes (Step 8), select the following:
Note: Keep the value of this token a secret! Definitely make sure that it is never included in a commit anywhere.
- Save that access token as an environment variable
# secrets.sh
export AUTH_TOKEN='the_code_just_generated'
- Go and run the code!
python3 main.py