A collection of game engine components programmed from scratch. This is my hands-on study into game engine algorithms. My aim is to produce the main componentes that make up a game engine. For each component I broaden the functionality just on the basis of how fun I find it to implement :)
- Core (VS Project - Corium3D) components:
Game loop.
Scenes – Engine orients around data preloading of preprocessed assets, and generation of object pools for everything in a scene.
Collision detection:
- Broad phase using dynamic BVHs of AABBs, Separating between static and mobile objects.
- Narrow phase finds collisions in 3D of bounding boxes, spheres and capsules, and in 2D using bounding rectangles, circles, and stadiums, including contact manifolds.
- Ray casting against the BVHs in 3D.
Rendering – OpenGL:
- Camera transformations.
- Static objects data buffering.
- Frustum culling via the above BVHs, using bounding spheres stored in the nodes.
- Skeletal animations.
- Text widgets using image atlases and Image widgets.
Physics – Basic kinematics.
Environment independent input handling.
- Editor - GUI built with Windows Presentation Foundation (VS Project: Corium3DGI), MVVM designed. Implemented components:
- Importing and previewing of 3D models.
- Fitting 3D models with 3D collision primitives (box, sphere, capsule) and 2D collision primitives (rectangle, circle, stadium) visually in the preview.
- Scenes definition - declare models present in the scene, and add initial instances.
- DirectX11 rendered viewport (VS Project: DxVisualizer):
- Graphically drag and drop initial models instances to levels.
- Objects selection and highlight of selected objects via blur filters.
- Objects transforms via handles.
- Utilizes space partitioning using a K-D Tree adapted to hold bounding spheres.
- C++/CLI mediates WPF C# code and DirectX11 C++ code.
- Generation of scenes' data files to be loaded in the game runtime (VS Project: Corium3DAssetsGen).