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Ground Support Equipment Software for the Cornell Rocketry Team including fill station and ground server

Updating and Running

The docker containers are kept running by systemctl. This means the latest containers are run every time the computer restarts.

This means to update our software we should pull new containers then restart the system:

Ground Server

docker compose -f /home/crt/Ground-Software/compose_prod.yml pull
sudo systemctl restart ground.service

Fill Station Pi 5

docker compose -f /home/crt/Ground-Software/compose_fill.yml pull
sudo systemctl restart fill-station.service

Ground Server Docker Image

First, install Docker for your specific computer. Then, to start the ground server run:

docker pull
docker run -it -d --network="host"

If you want to build the docker image locally, navigate to the root directory then build:

cd Ground-Software/ground-server
docker build -t ground-server -f ./ground-server/Dockerfile .

Fill Station Docker Image

First, install Docker for your specific computer. Then, to start the ground server run:

docker pull
docker run -it -d --network="host"

If you want to build the docker image locally, navigate to the root directory then build:

cd Ground-Software
docker build -t fill-station -f ./fill/Dockerfile .

Fix and Format Bazel files

Buildifier will fix a lot and format all bazel files by running

bazel run //:buildifier.fix

Installation and Native Compilation Guide for Linux/WSL


  1. Install bazel:

sudo apt install bazel

  1. Check version (tested with version 7.3.1):

bazel --version

Clone Fill-Station repository:

git clone

cd Fill-Station

Build services (this will take longer the first time: ~5 minutes for me)

Build ground

bazel build ground:all

Build fill (this will be much faster since dependencies were built in the previous step)

bazel build fill:all

After building, can run with

bazel run ground:all -- --server_port=<port>

50051 is default

bazel run fill:all -- --client_target="<hostname>:<port>"

localhost:50051 is default

For example:

bazel run ground:all -- --server_port=50052

bazel run fill:all -- --client_target="localhost:50052"

Cross Compilation Guide (Build for Raspberry Pi from your laptop!)

  1. Follow all the Linux/WSL instructions to install Bazel and build natively

  2. Install the gcc cross compiler:

sudo apt install gcc-11-arm-linux-gnueabihf

  1. Cross compile services (this will take longer the first time: ~9 minutes for me)

Build ground. Note this needs both arguments for some reason due to an issue with the absl library :(

bazel build ground:all --platforms=platform:rpi4 --cpu="aarch64"

Build fill (this will be much faster since dependencies were built in the previous step)

bazel build fill:all --platforms=platform:rpi4 --cpu="aarch64"

After building, copy the binaries over to the raspberry pis

There are many ways to do this, but I prefer to directly connect it with an ethernet cable, then configure my laptop to have a static ip of (no DHCP), then run:

cd <path to>/Fill-Station

Copy to Pis. Note scp does not overwrite the files, so you have to delete/rename them on the pi first.

scp bazel-bin/fill/fill_station crt@

scp bazel-bin/ground/ground_station crt@

To run on pis, we must make sure they have the correct loader, "/lib/" If they do not, you may see an error such as "cannot execute: required file not found"

Can run from pis with

cd ~/Desktop

./ground_station --server_port=<port>

./fill_station --client_target="<hostname>:<port>"

I setup a script to do this, so another option is:



For example:

./ground_station --server_port=50052

./fill_station --client_target="ground:50052"

Native Installation Guide for Raspberry Pis (PREFER CROSS COMPILATION)

FOR RASPBERRY PI (and other arm processors) Install bazel via bazelisk

  1. Install bazelisk

pushd ~/Downloads


chmod +x bazelisk-linux-arm64

sudo mv bazelisk-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/bazel

  1. Install bazel (tested with version 7.1.1)

bazel --version

  1. Clone Fill-Station repository


git clone

cd Fill-Station

Build services (this will take a VERY long time (~1 HOUR) but only the first time)

Build ground

The discard_analysis_cache flag limits ram usage to prevent Pi 4 crashing

bazel build ground:all --discard_analysis_cache

Build fill (this will be much faster since dependencies were built in the previous step)

bazel build fill:all --discard_analysis_cache

After building, run as in the native linux installation instructions above.