The main purpose of this project is to explore CPU design and provide a minimalist implementation. It is utterly useless for anything but studying/teaching the structure and implementation of a simple processor.
It is loosely based on the MIPS I architecture and used the Plasma CPU developed by Steve Rhoads as a source of inspiration.
The CPU proper implementation is rather small (before I decomposed the CPU into the constituent functional units it used to be less than 1000 lines of VHDL code (including comments and blanks), runs at the magnificent speed of ~1 Hz (yes, ONE Hertz) and has an incredible memory size of 1024 16-bit words. You can find the single-file CPU implementation in older revisions.
I am not a hardware designer, I am a software developer (that is the reason why the HW design probably will look silly to professional HW designers). Yet I always felt the urge to build my own CPU. After spending quite some time studying digital hardware design and HDL as well as CPU design and working every now and then for a few hours on this project, I finally... tired of it, brought it to a raw but functional state and threw it into the public.
Maybe it will be useful to someone.
But what actually motivated me to do this is:
- Fun
- Learning
- The "because I can" attitude
- Programmer folklore - as found here for instance:
Real Programmers write in Fortran.
"Real Programmers write in Fortran in this decadent era of Lite beer, hand calculators and "user-friendly" software but back in the Good Old Days, when the term "software" sounded funny and Real Computers were made out of drums and vacuum tubes, Real Programmers wrote in machine code. Not Fortran. Not RATFOR. Not, even, assembly language. Machine Code. Raw, unadorned, inscrutable hexadecimal numbers. Directly."
"Lest a whole new generation of programmers grow up in ignorance of this glorious past, I feel duty-bound to describe, as best I can through the generation gap, how a Real Programmer wrote code."
So... If you can't do it in C, do it in assembly language. If you can't do it in assembly language, do it in VHDL. If you can't do it in VHDL do it with a soldering station. If you can't do it with a soldering station it isn't worth doing.
- RISC (MISC probably more appropriate). HAZARD / High "RISC" actually if planning to use it for anything meaningful :)
- Load-store architecture
- 16-bit fixed instruction length
- Von Neumann architecture
- General-purpose register machine
- Two-stage pipeline (A new instruction is fetched while the current one is decoded/executed)
- Addressing modes: Immediate, register, absolute memory
- Alligned 16-bit word addressing only
- Simple scalar architecture - straight forward sequential fetch-decode-execute operation
No bells and whistles and no fancy stuff
- No status register
- No notion of a stack
- No notion of signed numbers. Everything is unsigned
- No interrupts
- No peripheral hardware like timers, UARTs, IO ports, etc.
Well, actually the glue that binds it to the development board also provides outputs to four seven-segment displays and eight LEDs
Further on... Additional non-features:
- No cache
- No branch prediction
- No out of order execution
- No speculative execution
- No MMU
And hence No vulnerability to Meltdown and Spectre.
At least one quality to be attributed to this CPU :)
Take a look at to see the CPU in action. It executes the firmware.s demo program. The digits on the seven-segment display show the instruction counter. The dots on the seven-segment display show the CPU clock. The LEDs display the output of the demo program.
Check documentation.txt for a rough description of the CPU, the instruction set and the tools involved in implementing the CPU on real hardware (an FPGA in this case) as well as developing software for it. There is also a raw schematic diagram in dwarf.dia
Probably nothing will happen from my side in the foreseeable future due to lack of time and lost interest in the topic. You are highly welcome to take the project further. I will provide assistance to the best of my possibilities.
Edit 01/2020: Meanwhile my interrest in the topic revived. Rival, the follow-up project to Dwarf, will (or already did) implement the following suggestions.
Suggestions for further development:
- Extend the CPU to 32 bit
- Revisit the instruction set and make it more useful (currently it's quite randomly put together)
- Add usefull addressing modes
- Make it multi core
- External RAM interface
- Interrupts
- I/O ports
- Timers
Turn it into a SoC with
- Keyboard interface
- Video
- Audio
- Network
- Mouse
Improve the development environment
- Make the assembler more useful
- Add a compiler. The Tiny C Compiler comes to mind. Or even better: The Obfuscated Tiny C Compiler
Add all the other bells and whistles it currently misses.
Use your imagination.
Developed under GNU/Linux - Ubuntu distribution
- Uses the Xilinx ISE WebPACK Design Software v 14.7 for synthesis
- Uses the xc3sprog suite of utilities and
- The JTAG-HS1 programming cable for downloading the FPGA configuration bitstream
- Tested on the Spartan®-3 Starter Board
Recommended reading
FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples: Xilinx Spartan-3 Version
Helmut Sipos