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Recipe Vault

A place to store all the family recipes.

By: David Corvaglia

Submitted to MLH Bon Hackétit Hackathon


I won the Grandma's Kitchen Award. :) The Devpost submission is here:


  1. Clone the repo.
  2. cd into Recipe-Vault
  3. run pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. cd into recipevault
  5. Change the secret key in to something random.
  6. run python makemigrations
  7. run python migrate
  8. run python createsuperuser
  9. run python runserver
  10. You're all set :)


Project Story


Our family has very diverse roots from where we come from, so it is safe to say that we have a lot of recipes that have been handed down by generations. But sometimes it gets hard to keep track of all of then. So I came up with the idea of a recipe bank to store the family recipes locally for fast and easy access.

What it does

I allows for the family to access a webpage in which the recipes can be viewed, sorted, edited, and created all on one place and very fast since it is hosted on the local network.

How I built it

I built this app using Django for the backend and used Bootstrap Studio to build the frontend.

Challenges I ran into

I spent a lot of time fixing bugs with Django's html template processing system since I was not very familiar with it. I also ran into challenges with CSS in terms that there was a lot of tweaking to get things right so that the backend and frontend would interact.

Accomplishments that I'm proud of

I am very proud of how long it took me to make this application even though I had not had much experience with Django. I am also proud of how the app looks and that it functions great.

What I learned

I have learned a great deal about Django, Python, SQLite, CSS, Bootstrap. Suffice it to say, this was a great learning experience especially since this was my first time really dealing with a website backend.

What's next for Recipe Vault

I think that the next step would be to expand the application so that there would be greater filtering and sorting on the home and search page.


A place to store all the family recipes.




