SimpleBTC is a PHP frontend for a pushpool or PoolServerJ-based bitcoin mining pool. It is a fork of the Simplecoin frontend, which at start of project had been out of development for about a year. Currently the changes consist only of bugfixes and minor updates, but the long-term goal is a complete overhaul that will make SimpleBTC a modern web-application with database abstraction, templating, internationalization, etc.
- User and worker management
- User and pool statistics
- Payout calculation and payments
- Basically everything you need to start a mining pool
You will first need the following prerequites:
- bitcoind and pushpool installed and configured
- PHP, tested under 5.2 but will likely work for many versions
- MySQL (more RDBMS to be supported in the future)
- Memcached
- PHP MySQL bindings
Note that SimpleBTC will provide a database schema for pushpool, so don't worry about setting up a database for it yet.
Then, see for install instructions.
SimpleBTC source and issue tracking are at online at Please report problems, request features, etc via the issue tracker there. Feel free to write some code yourself!
SimpleBTC is developed and maintained by Jesse B. Crawford, Donations are appreciated and can be directed to 17tTDgcgXBTN8u9VeBFQZ2KV5pDHCKvXjr. Perhaps consider donating some cycles to his small pool at
SimpleBTC is based on the now defunct SimpleCoin project, developed by Mike Allison (, 163Pv9cUDJTNUbadV4HMRQSSj3ipwLURRc), Wayno (1Gzcbs8dDYzf16qFWKHc5kWKuH8nji3pVt), and Tom Lightspeed (, 16p56JHwLna29dFhTRcTAurj4Zc2eScxTD). Patches to SimpleCoin by William Waisse are additionally included in SimpleBTC.
SimpleCoin was in turn based on Miner Pool by Xenland (12QY5HYbiT5Nx6fek8ss5pAywPsV3kqdu3).